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中共秘密追捕在美贪官令美国不悦 + 新华回应

发表于 8-17-2015 07:35:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-17-2015 07:51 编辑

In chronological order.

(1) Mark Mazzetti and Dan Levi, 中共秘密追捕在美贪官令美国不悦. 纽约时报中文网,  Aug 17, 2015

, which is translated from

Mark Mazzetti and Dan Levi, China Is warned Over Its Agents on America Soil; Tracking expatriates; US demands a halt to Beijing's tactics in hunting fugitives. New York Times, Aug 17, 2015 (one fo the front-page top reports).


"American officials said they had solid evidence that the Chinese agents — who are not in the United States on acknowledged government business, and most likely are entering on tourist or trade visas — use various strong-arm tactics to get fugitives to return.

"Mark Toner, a State Department spokesman * ** said that 'generally speaking, foreign law enforcement agents are not permitted to operate within the United States without prior notification to the attorney general.'  It is a criminal offense, he said, 'for an individual, other than a diplomatic or consular officer or attaché, to act in the United States as an agent of a foreign power without prior notification to the attorney general.'

My comment: Regarding quotation 2.  Under federal law, one working in American soil for a foreign government ought to register with US Department of Justice as a lobbyist.  See Foreign Agents Registration Act. US Department of Justice, undated.

Failing to do so led to charges against the Russian agents who lived quietly in US as ordinary families for decades; they (including the redhead beauty Anna Chapman) were not charged for espionage (because they had not spied).
(b) American agents kidnapped to bring the indicted back to US for a trial.  Supreme Court ruled that it (kidnap) did not give the defendant a break in the charges he faces. This, together with the US military operation in Afghanistan to kill Osama Bin Laden, of course violate international law. Yet US agents were not caught and the foreign nations did not register diplomatic protests afterwards.  But sometimes, the Americans agents were traced, identified and charged. See John Goetz, Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark (with Der Spiegel), CIA Arrest Warrants Strain US-German Ties. New York Times, June 25, 2007.

These CIA agents need to stay away from Germany (even possibly Interpol-connected nations), while the warrants are in effect.  

(2) 柳丝, 美给中国海外猎狐发警告,搞什么飞机? Xinhua, Aug 17, 2015.

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