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Istanbul Loves Cats

发表于 8-19-2015 08:55:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Joe Parkinson, Why Istanbul Should be Called Catstantinople; Turkish city can't quit delighting in felines; 'Like being a cow in India.' Wall Street Journal, Aug 19, 2015 (front page)
(" 'Being a cat in Istanbul is like being a cow in India,' said Sibel Resimci, a musician and confessed cat junkie who says her husband often walks nearly 2 miles to work rather than disturb street cats sleeping on his moped. 'For generations, they've had a special place in the city's soul' ")

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest, unless you are a cat lover.
(b) Japan has a dozen "cat islands 猫の島," one of which is Aoshima (愛媛県大洲市、瀬戸内海の海上) 青島 with 15 islanders and more than 100 cats.

Ōzu, Ehime  愛媛県 大洲市

The first speck of island (purple, the same color of the city) right on top of (north of) the city is Aoshima, according ot the map of a ja.wikipedia.org page for that island.
(c) names of Istanbul


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