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Lee’s Article and KMT’s Reaction: 朝日新聞

发表于 8-24-2015 15:59:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-24-2015 17:27 编辑

Satoshi Ukai, Backlash in Taiwan over Lee's article on war in Japanese magazine. Asahi Shimbun 朝日新聞, Aug 25, 2015 (available now).

(a) Satoshi UKAI 鵜飼 啓
(i) Japanese English dictionary
* satoshi 諭し 【さとし】 (n): "guidance"
* u 鵜 【う[hiragana] ; ウ [katakana]】 (n): "cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae spp. ['sp' is 'species' and 'spp' is the plural form, which is also 'species')"
* ka-u 飼う 【かう】 (v): "to keep (a pet or other animal); to raise; to have; to own; to feed"
  ^ "ka-i" is the corresponding noun
(ii) ウ科
(tab;e: 和名[:]ウ(鵜), 英名[:] cormorant)

Just view the first photo.

(b) "Hung Hsiu-chu, the female candidate of the ruling Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party) for the Taiwanese presidential election to be held next January, said, 'If I lose in the election, Taiwan will be sold to Japan 我不能當選,台灣就被賣給日本了.' ”
(c) "Ma Ying-jeou * * * strongly criticized Lee on Aug 20, saying, 'His remarks [in the article' betrayed Taiwan and humiliated the Taiwanese people 出賣台灣與羞辱人民.' ”

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