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发表于 8-24-2015 17:23:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
杨军, 点评中国:BBC中英教育杨老师的几句话. BBC Chinese, Aug 24, 2015.
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... ngjun_student_tough


"我 [曾] 在英国私立中学工作过整整半年 * * * 我曾在英国的一所公立普通中学教过一年半,后来去了一所公立文法学校(Grammar School),一教就是整整九年,一共算下来,也是有十年教龄的老教师了。

"记得当初BBC在国内海选时,要求除了能用英语讲专业课,和有丰富的工作经验外,还有一个最重要的要求,那就是:要有自己对教育的独特见解,要有自己的思想。  我个人在当初经过了严格的筛选后,还要通过数小时的口头问卷。问题涉及到中英两国教育,经济,政治和文化等多方面及领域,问题既广又深。  由 于我本人刚好在英国攻读了教育比较学硕士,研究方向正好是中英基础教育方法之比较,所以阅读过大量国内外发表的相关文章和专著,积累了一定的理论知识,并 形成了自己的一套独特见解;再加上我在国内及英国分别十年的工作经验,我的认识是既有理论支持,又有实践经验佐证。这样我才有幸签约作为科学老师出现在屏 幕上。


(a) 近些年来,在中国大陆诞生了许多全英语教学的,以出国留学为目标的国际中学和国际班,教学大纲从美国的AP,到英国的IGCSE, IB, A-Level;英语测试也从美国的TOEFL,到英国的IELTS,应有尽有,五花八门。"
(i) advanced placement
(ii) International General Certificate of Secondary Education
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In ... Secondary_Education
(IGCSE; is offered to students to prepare them for International Baccalaureate[ a not-for-profit educational foundation headquartered in Geneva and founded in 1968, that has its own schools, for students from age 3-19]; based on the GCE O-Level and is recognised as being equivalent to the GCSE [for pupils in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland [who intend to go to college within UK]; was developed by University of Cambridge International Examinations)

Quote: “The IGCSE is predominantly exam-based, meaning they are not actual certified ‘courses,’ but rather exams that test knowledge in individual subjects in the same way as Advanced Placement exams and SAT Subject Tests. For this reason, it is also a viable option for many home-schooling educators or in Adult education, when one is seeking a qualification but has no time to attend full-time school classes. Its academic worth is comparable to many secondary school curricula worldwide, such as England's GCSE, the American GED

* For GCE O-level, see GCE Ordinary Level (United Kingdom)
(GCE = General Certificate of Education)
(iii) International English Language Testing System
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In ... uage_Testing_System

(b) Regarding quotation 2.

grammar school
(The original purpose of medieval grammar schools was the teaching of Latin; oday, "grammar school" commonly refers to one of the 164 remaining fully selective state-funded schools in England and the 69 remaining in Northern Ireland)

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