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Women Protest for Right to Bare Their Chests

发表于 8-26-2015 15:20:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-26-2015 16:05 编辑

Vivian Yee, Seeking Equality, Not Tips, Topless Marches Draw a Crowd in Manhattan. New York Times, Aug 24, 2015.
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/2 ... d-in-manhattan.html

(a) "These women [demonstrators] were not desnudas, the topless panhandlers * * * Sunday’s marchers were after something more high-minded: the right of all women to go bare-chested if they chose."
(i) English Spanish dictionary:

"nude adjective desnudo [masculine] / desnuda [feminine]"
Cristina Llompart, The Oxford Starter Spanish Dictionary; The world's most trusted dictionaries. Revised edition. Oxford University Press, 2002, at page 266
https://books.google.com/books?i ... desnuda&f=false
(ii) Online Spanish dictionaries has "desnudo" as adjective masculine only, but obviously Manhattanites and New York Times used "desnuda" as noun feminine: a woman who bare her chest.

(b) "even in New York City, more than two decades after the New York State Court of Appeals ruled that toplessness is legal for women, taking advantage of that right still has the power to shock. * * * still others each wore a single enormous cloth breast."

cloth breast:
(i) Go to image.google.com to see what it looks like.
(ii) Its use?  It is used as a teaching tool with which an instructor tells a student how to prepare the breast for breastfeeding and do manual examination for breast cancer. The breast model has two parts: a breast with a nipple and the underlying ducts embedded in fat. See
Cloth Breast Model. Childbirth Graphics, undated ("Instructions")

(c) "The 1992 case concerned a group of seven women in Rochester, sometimes known as the Topfree Seven, who were arrested in 1986 for holding a shirtless picnic to protest the state law that prohibited women, but not men, from baring their chests.  Ramona Santorelli, 57, was one of two defendants who pursued the case all the way to the Court of Appeals. Although she and her co-defendant won, it was not quite the sweeping victory they had hoped for. The court did not find the law discriminatory, as the women had argued."
(i) Court of Appeals is supreme court of state of New York.
(ii) People v Santorelli (1992) 80 N.Y.2d 875, 600 N.E.2d 232, 587 N.Y.S.2d 601
(A) "it is settled that the People then have the burden of proving that there is an important government interest at stake and that the gender classification is substantially related to that interest (see, Mississippi University for Women v Hogan, 458 US 718, 725)."

* The "US" is a shorthand for "United States Reporter," which records, distributes and archives United States Supreme Court decisions.
* US Supreme Court, interpreting the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, requires an government (not just state government) to show "an important government interest at stake" (as well as  a reasonable basis) when classifying people -- here women from men.
(B) "the People do not dispute that New York is one of only two states which criminalizes the mere exposure by a woman in a public place of a specific part of her breast."



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