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Citi’s Top Economist and Yale’s Zhiwu Chen on China’s Economy

发表于 8-29-2015 07:17:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
You may read Chinese news report, or English ones, but not both, because they duplicate a lot. There is no transcript, though there is a podcast (CFR, in English) and a video (VOA in Chinese).

(a) 花旗首席经济学家:中国经济衰退不可避免. VOA Chinese, Aug 28, 2015.
www.voachinese.com/content/citib ... 150828/2936654.html
(b) 焦点对话:股市狂欢落幕,中国模式疲态尽露? VOA Chinese, Aug 28, 2015 (video).

My comment: Because Professor Chen participated in the two events (CFR on Aug 27, and VOA on Aug 28) back to back, presumably he talks about the same thing.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-29-2015 07:18:18 | 只看该作者
(2) Sangwon Yoon, China Will Respond Too Late to Avoid Recession, Citigroup Says. Bloomberg, Aug 27, 2015.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... sion-citigroup-says

the first two paragraphs:

“China is sliding into recession and the leadership will not act quickly enough to avoid a major slowdown by implementing large-scale fiscal policies to stimulate demand, Citigroup Inc’s top economist Willem Buiter said.

“The only thing to stop a Chinese recession, which the former external member of the Bank of England defines as 4 percent growth on ‘the mendacious official data’ for a year, is a consumption-oriented fiscal stimulus program funded by the central government and monetized by the People’s Bank of China, Buiter said.

(a) Inside CFR Events (Audio). Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Aug 27, 2015 (the date of event and when the audio was posted).
(i) Media Call is the title of an event series hosted by CFR.
(ii) Aug 27, 2015 is the date of event and when the audio was posted.

(i) English dictionary: mendacious (adj; Latin mendax)
(ii) Latin English dictionary: mendax (adjective, masculine feminine neuter; from [Latin] mentior ‎“I lie, deceive” +‎ -āx ‎“inclined to”)

(c) Monetize. Investopedia, undated
(“To monetize is to convert an asset into or establish something as money or legal tender. The term monetize has different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to methods utilized to generate profit, while it also can literally mean the conversion of an asset into money. For example, the U.S. Federal Reserve can monetize the nation's debt; this involves the process of purchasing debt (treasuries) which in turn increases the money supply. This essentially turns the debt into money (monetization)”)
(d) The Bloomberg report concerns Willem Buiter alone, without Zhiwu Chen (the name order from Chen’s own websites; VOA Chinese does mention Chen).
(e) Willem Buiter
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willem_Buiter(1949- ;
(1949- ; born in the Hague)

two consecutive paragraphs:

“Buiter went to the European School [qv; and you will realize it is a high school, not a college] in Brussels, Belgium from 1962 to 1967 [age 18], where he obtained his European Baccalaureate. After studying Political and Social Science for one year at the University of Amsterdam from 1967 to 1968, Buiter went to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, to study Economics and received his B.A. with First-Class Honours in 1971.
He was awarded his MA in Economics in 1972 and his M.Phil. in Economics in 1973, his fields of concentration being International Economics, and Economic Development.

“Buiter was awarded his PhD in Economics from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, United States, in 1975.

* A reader of this Wiki page at most wonder where he received the master degrees (ordinary people may believe his master degrees were awarded University of Cambridge. His own resume says he is a citizen of both US and UK, and that his PhD and two master degrees all came from Yale.
* Buiter is top GLOBAL economist of Citigroup, which has, in addition,  its top CHINA economist and so on.

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