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‘僵尸工厂’ 拖累困境中的中国经济

发表于 8-31-2015 18:44:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Michael Wilson, ‘僵尸工厂’ 拖累困境中的中国经济. 纽约时报中文网, Aug 31, 2015

Michael Wilson, Seeking Freedom in Their Future, Psychics Reveal All: ‘It’s a Scam.’ New York Times, Aug 29, 2015 (front page).

(a) "in the northern Chinese city of Changzhi 长治市 * * * Mr MIAO [Leijie 苗雷杰], the factory’s general director 董事长 * * * the business, Lucheng Zhuoyue Cement Plant 潞城市卓越水泥有限公司"
(i) Chinese in the above are from cn.nytimes.com.
(ii) However, from 2013 to 2015 at least the news reports within China showed the cement plant has 董事长闵江宁 (教授)、总经理李桦榕. Google the cement plant together with 苗雷杰 returns only this cn.nytimes.com report.
(iii) 山西省长治市 潞城市

(b) “Similar strategies have been tried before, with little success. In Japan, such businesses, known as ‘zombie companies,’ are blamed for contributing to that country’s two decades of economic stagnation.”
(i) zombie company  ゾンビ企業/ ゾンビ会社
(ii) Japanese English dictionary
*  kyonshi キョンシー 《僵屍; 殭屍》 (n): "Chinese 'hopping vampire'; jiang shi; jiangshi; chiang-shih; reanimated corpse"
* zombi ゾンビ (n): "zombie"

(c) “While trucks are still parked outside the sprawling industrial compound of Changzhi’s Huatai Cement Clinker Company, there are far fewer than just a couple of years ago, and they have less to haul. The money-losing company has produced a mere 200,000 metric tons of cement this year, even though it is able to make one million.  As a state-owned enterprise, Huatai has been kept running with the help of special assistance.”
(i) 长治县华泰水泥熟料有限公
(ii) 长治县 and 潞城市 are two separate administrative divisions of 长治市.
(iii) For clinker, see Cement Manufacturing Process. CEMBUREAU, undated.

CEMBUREAU is the European Cement Association.

(d) "Changzhi Cement Group 长治市水泥集团 [yet another cement company], where the only sound is a barking dog, a former company electrician, Zhao Liwei, 43, watches TV inside a decrepit room for janitors at the compound’s entrance. Two years ago, as production at the state-owned plant ground to a halt, her paychecks stopped coming. Most employees were left to fend for themselves.  Since the factory was never formally shuttered, they have not received severance payments or other compensation, Ms Zhao said."

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