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发表于 9-5-2015 14:03:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jeremy Page and Gordon Lubold, 中国海军舰艇现身阿拉斯加海域并经过美国领海


, which is a very abbreviation translation of

Jeremy Page and Gordon Lubold, Beijing's Navy Sailed into US Waters off Alaska. Wall Street Journal, Sept 5, 2015.
http://www.wsj.com/articles/chin ... l-waters-1441350488
("after joint exercises with Russia in late August * * * The flotilla [of five China's warships] apparently traveled east from somewhere near Russia and entered the Bering Sea, navigating north of the Aleutian Islands before transiting south, where they undertook the 'innocent passage' through US waters between two islands, a defense official said.  That principle allows military ships to transit foreign territorial waters if they don’t conduct threatening activity. The Chinese didn’t give prior notification to the US before doing so, but under international law, they don’t need to")

Note: 中俄今日起在日本海举行军演 海军三大舰队主力战舰登场. 人民网, Aug 20, 2015.
(i) 彼得大帝湾  English either Peter the Great Bay or Peter the Great Gulf (both share the same Russian: зали́в Петра́ Вели́кого).
(ii) A Case Study Report on Assessment of Eutrophication Status in Peter the Great Bay, Russia. V.I. II’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 2011, at page 2
http://www.cearac-project.org/ce ... /Annex_A5_Peter.pdf

(“Peter the Great Bay (PGB) is situated in a northwestern part of NOWPAP region (Fig. 3.1). From open sea, border of the bay is line connecting two points. One is mouth of Tumannaya River (western side), another one is Povorotniy Cape (eastern side). Distance between these points is about 200 km. Distance of the coastal line around bay is about 1500 km. Total area of PGB is about 9500 км2. The bay contains about 500 км3 of water. Muravjev-Amursky peninsula and group of islands (Russky Island, Popov Island, Rejnike Island and smaller others) divide PGB on two sub-areas – Amursky Bay (western part) and Ussuriisky Bay (eastern part)”)
(b) 克列尔卡角: 人民网's English edition of the same report has "Kelieerka Angle,' but I simply can not find what the term or "Kelieerka" by itself means.

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