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中国称失踪十一世西藏班禅喇嘛生活正常: VOA

发表于 9-6-2015 09:01:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(3) 中国称失踪十一世西藏班禅喇嘛生活正常. VOA Chinese, Sept 6, 2015
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 150906/2949767.html
("中国星期天发布的一份西藏白皮书说,西藏十一世班禅喇嘛正在 '正常地生活,' 并且 '不希望受到任何的干扰' ")

My comment:
(a) True, Reuters does not say where Norbu Dunzhub makes the remark (Beijing or Tibet)-- and what the occasion is.  
(b) It is possible that Norbu Dunzhub makes the remark in Beijing--specifically 国新办举行民族区域自治制度在西藏的成功实践发布会. See the headline banner in 国务院新闻办公室's home page.

The problem is: underneath the banner are two links, one being the white paper itself, and the other 国新办发表《民族区域自治制度在西藏的成功实践》白皮书, which reproduces a Xinhua report of Sept 6, 2015.

However, neither the Xinhua report nor the 白皮书 itself (released on Sept 6, 2015; titled: 民族区域自治制度在西藏的成功实践")
mention 班禅喇嘛 at all; I read both twice.
(c) The last time China released a Tibet white paper was Apr 15, 2015.


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