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发表于 9-8-2015 18:42:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Chuin-Wei Yap, 中国经济转型阵痛:攀成钢万人下岗. 华尔街日报, Sept 8, 2015

, which is translated from

Chuin-Wei Yap, Life Drains from a China Factory Town; Nation's dismantling of industrial economy uproots communities. Wall Street Journal, Sept 8, 2015 (front page)
http://www.wsj.com/articles/chin ... eel-town-1441652778


"The closing of the Pangang Chengdu Steel & Vanadium Co 攀钢集团成都钢钒有限公司 is leaving Mr Deng [Wanyin] on the sharp edge of China’s juddering economic slowdown that is unsettling global markets. About 16,000 workers have been given buyouts, upending long-entrenched livelihoods centered on the mill, known locally as Panchenggang 攀成钢, after 57 years in operation.

“In Qingbaijiang [成都市] 青白江[区], the industrial district where Panchenggang sits north of Chengdu, thousands of residents have gone elsewhere in search of employment.

"Panchenggang is the single largest state-owned steel mill in China to be shut down in six decades. Most of its two-million-metric-ton annual capacity will be mothballed, city officials say.

"Anshan Iron & Steel Group Co, Panchenggang’s state-owned parent, said in public statements that the closing is meant to eliminate excess capacity.

(a) vanadium  钒 (atomic number 23)
(b) judder (vi): chiefly British
(i) 攀钢集团公司 (founded in 1965, based in 攀枝花市) acquired 成都无缝钢管厂 in 1999, In 2010 Angang acquired 攀成钢 (of course at the direction of Beijing).  It is widely reported, and this is important though WSJ does not mention why this factory is closed other than China's recession -- that the land of 攀成钢 is highly valuable for real estate developers.
(ii) (四川省) 攀枝花市
(攀枝花市是中国唯一以花名 ['攀枝花,又称木棉花'] 命名的城市,於1965年設市"/ 1939年,['被誉为“攀钢之父”的地质学家'] 常隆庆连续发现宝鼎煤矿和攀枝花磁铁矿)
(iii) The 成 in 攀成钢 obviously refers to 成都.


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