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发表于 9-9-2015 17:13:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
共同社, Sept 9, 2015.

(a) “海上自卫队和美国海军以冲绳为据点部署了大范围覆盖南西诸岛 Nansei Island chain [: Kyodo’s English edition] 太平洋一侧的最新型潜艇水下声波监听系统(SOSUS).”
(b) The second paragraph (“尽管有意见担忧台湾海峡发生紧急事态等时所探知情报被直接用于美军的武力行使,但围绕解禁集体自卫权的安保相关法案国会审议几乎没有讨论该情况下的 ‘情报和武力行使’ 之关系”--because Japan is supposed to defend itself only, when it is under attack, and not be helpful to an ally (US), unless and until Abe succeeds in amending the law) is not found in the English edition.

Indeed, the Chinese and English editions are not the same.

Japan, US Running Undersea Listening Post to Detect Chinese Subs. Kyodo, Sept 7, 2015
www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/0 ... etect-chinese-subs/
("The latest model of the sound surveillance system, or SOSUS, allows Tokyo and Washington to detect Chinese submarines traveling from the East China Sea and Yellow Sea to the Pacific, according to sources in the Defense Ministry and the MSDF.  It is the first time that the existence of a listening system solely targeting China has been revealed")
(c) "部署在太平洋的最新型SOSUS是以冲绳县宇流麻市美军白沙滩基地内的海自冲绳海洋观测所为据点,两条电缆从这里在海底延伸数百公里,分别伸至九州南部和台湾海域。"

宇流麻(市) Uruma
("United States maintains four military bases in Uruma, some of which span other municipalities in Okinawa: * * * White Beach Naval Facility. The bases cover 12.97% of the total area of the city")

(d) First deployed in 1950s to detect Soviet submarines, SOund SUrveillance System (SOSUS) takes advantage of low-frequency sound waves traveling in SOFAR channel. The following two are similar in explaining the channel.
(i) SOFAR channel
(ii) SOFAR channel. NOAA Ocean Explorer, undated.

, where the sentence"The depth of this “channel” varies in different oceans depending on the salinity, the temperature, and depth of the water" should be "The depth of this 'channel' varies."

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