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Discussing English in AFP's 李雪 Report

发表于 11-1-2015 13:28:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I have said There is no need to read
Rebecca Davis, Dark lives of China's 'black children.' 黑孩子 AFP, Nov 1, 2015.

But there are interesting English uses there. No need to read the text. Just read my notes below.

In the AFP report:
(A) “her mother accidentally fell pregnant”

fall (vi):
"4b :  to enter as if unawares :  STUMBLE, STRAY <fell into error>
* * *
9:  to pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind or a new state or condition <fall asleep> <fall in love>"
(B) “She [Li Xue] realised she was unlike other children at the age of six, when neighbourhood playmates were sent off to school and warned off her company by their parents.

warn someone off [or warn off somebody]:
"tell someone forcefully or threateningly to go away or stay [warn somebody off one's land]
1.1Advise someone forcefully against (a particular thing or course of action) [warn somebody off alcohol, drug, doing something]"
http://www.oxforddictionaries.co ... eone-off?q=warn+off

The examples in brackets are those I find in Oxford English-Italian online dictionaries.
(C) “The pressures have seen her own marriage dissolve, but she bears her sister no resentment”
* bear (vt): "to hold in the mind or emotions <bear malice>"
* harbor/ bear resentment/ ill will towards/against somebody

This expression can be easily found in dictionaries. Yet I can not find bear somebody no resentment, with both direct and indirect objects. The latter sounds natural, though.

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