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‘习马会’ 显示北京以经济利益示好台湾示未奏效

发表于 11-6-2015 18:41:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 11-7-2015 09:51 编辑

王霜舟, ‘习马会’ 显示北京以经济利益示好台湾示未奏效. 纽约时报中文网 Nov 6, 2015

, which is translated from

Austin Ramzy, Meeting With Taiwan Reflects Limits of China’s Checkbook. New York Times, Nov 7, 2015.

(a) Yes, NYT is to publish the English report tomorrow in print -- online today.
(b) “ 'Xi Jinping is at a loss,' said Parris Chang, president of the Taiwan Institute for Political, Economic and Strategic Studies, a think tank in Taipei. 'He doesn’t know what to do.' ”

Mr Chang is a DPP stalwart.
(b) "the problem that China faces there is an example of the limits of its heavy reliance on trade and investment to project influence overseas. Even as it has assumed the role of a global power, its one-note focus on economic relations has sometimes backfired, with resentment against Chinese investment simmering from Southeast Asia to Africa."
(i) Here is NYT's translation: "中国大陆官方在这里遇到的问题,也体现出它在海外投射影响力时,高度依赖贸易和投资的局限性。尽管中国已经成为一个全球大国,但是一门心思地关注经贸关系有时却产生了反作用,从东南亚到非洲,对中国投资的反感都在隐隐酝酿之中。"
one-note = 一门心思
(ii) one-note (adj): "unvarying in tone or emphasis : MONOTONOUS <a one–note campaigner>"

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