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Chinese Buys Medicine in HK

发表于 11-10-2015 19:28:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Natasha Khan with Jill Mao, Jasmine Wang, and Li Hui, Ginseng, Bird's Nest and a Vial of Herceptin. Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Oct 12, 2015.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... l-under-the-counter


"Many treatments, including Herceptin and Gilead Sciences’ Sovaldi for hepatitis C, are either unavailable or more expensive in China. Visitors from the mainland also prefer to buy their medicine in Hong Kong because they believe it’s less likely to be counterfeit.

"Hepatitis C, which when untreated can lead to liver cancer or cirrhosis, afflicts as many as 44 million [in China, or about 30% of the population].

"many branded medicines are beyond the reach of most Chinese. Duties on imported drugs can range as high as 17 percent in China, says Neil Wang, Frost & Sullivan’s China managing director. (They’re zero in Hong Kong.) He adds that the distribution chain for drugs is complex, and markups at various stages push up a product’s final cost. Most Chinese lack prescription drug benefits and must pay out of pocket for premium medicines. The upshot: Prices for treatments from foreign drugmakers are some of the highest in the world.

"William Chui 會長崔俊明, president of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong 香港醫院藥劑師學會, estimates that 90 percent of cancer drug sales at pharmacies are to mainland tourists, since most local patients can get their supply through hospitals or their doctors. (In China and Hong Kong, physicians can dispense as well as prescribe medicines.)


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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2015 19:29:03 | 只看该作者
(a) summary underneath the title in print: Some Hong Kong pharmacies sell under-the-counter cancer drugs

(b) "Hong Kong’s Nathan Road is a favorite destination for tourists from the mainland. Li, a visitor from Hebei province who declined to give her first name, came in search of another foreign brand: Herceptin, a breast cancer drug from Roche Holding. Li found a pharmacy in the area that would sell her some without a prescription [which is illegal in HK: ‘The maximum penalty for illegal possession and sale of prescription medicines is a fine of HK$100,000 and two years in prison’], for a cousin back home who’s been diagnosed with the disease. The price she paid—HK$20,000 ($2,580) for a 440-milligram vial—was about 30 percent lower than in some parts of China."
(i) Nathan Road  彌敦道
(the main thoroughfare in Kowloon, Hong Kong that goes in a south-north direction; was the very first road built [in 1861] in Kowloon, after the land was ceded by the Qing Dynasty government to the United Kingdom in 1860 [Hong Kong Island ceded in 1842]; name changed to current name, after Matthew Nathan, HK governor 1904 - 1907)
(ii) For the drug, a trade name is Herceptin, and United States Adopted Name (USAN) is trastuzumab (where mab indicates it is a Monoclonal AntiBody).
(A) A growth factor is produced and exerts its influence locally, whereas a hormone circulates in blood and affect distant targets.
(B) The epidermal growth factor (EGF) binds to its own receptor called EGFR (R for receptor).  (In fact, in any species there are a family of EGF and a family of receptors, with members in a family closely related to one another.)  HER2 (Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2) is one of the EGFR in humans.
(C) Breast cancer cells in some humans overexpress HER2 on their surface (and thus have its growth accelerated by EGF). (Breast cancer of this type has a worse prognosis -- earlier relapse and death -- than breast cancer without HER2.) When Herceptin binds specifically HER2, the cancer cells are marked for destruction, in a phenomenon called antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC).

Proposed Mechanism of Action. Herceptin.com, undated (video).
(D) Herceptin received initial US approval (from FDA) in 1998.  Administered through intravenous infusion (oral route will result in digestion of the protein: antibody is basically a protein).
(E) Based in South San Francisco, california, Genentech developed Herceptin. Roche acquired Genentech in 2009.
(F) Highlights of Prescribing Information. Genentech, 2015.


"A vial contains 440mg herceptin as a lyophilized, sterile powder." page 1

a typical dosage: "Initial dose of 4 mg/kg over 90 minute IV infusion, then 2 mg/kg over 30 minute IV infusion weekly for 52 weeks"  page 1

"Reconstitute each 440 mg vial of Herceptin with 20 mL of Bacteriostatic Water for Injection (BWFI), USP, containing 1.1% benzyl alcohol as a preservative to yield a multi-dose solution containing 21 mg/mL trastuzumab. * * * Store reconstituted Herceptin at 2−8○C; discard unused Herceptin after 28 days. If Herceptin is reconstituted with SWFI without preservative, use immediately and discard any unused portion." page 4

(G) "Initial dose of 4 mg/kg over 90 minute IV infusion, then 2 mg/kg over 30 minute IV infusion weekly for 52 weeks."

Namely, a loading dose of 4 mg/kg of body weight. "Patients should be observed for fever and chills or other infusion-associated symptoms."  Subsequently weekly maintenance dose of Herceptin is 2 mg/kg body weight.
(H) Hence a vial of 440mg can not last a month.
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 楼主| 发表于 11-10-2015 19:30:02 | 只看该作者
(c) "Small, rainbow-lit drugstores have become a feature of some of Hong Kong’s most expensive neighborhoods, sharing postal codes with outposts of Louis Vuitton and Chanel."

You may google "rainbow-lit," which is something I did not know.

(d) ”In China and Hong Kong, physicians can dispense as well as prescribe medicines.”
(i) Since 1997, Taiwan has started separation of dispensing from prescription (SDP) 醫藥分離 since 1997 in phases: city (and county) by city. Apparently the process is not completed.

林瓊瀛 Alan Lin, 台灣醫療產業概況; 市場挑戰與商機. 資誠聯合會計師事務所 PwC Taiwan, June 2012
https://www.pwc.tw/zh/industries ... s/healthcare-zh.pdf
("許多醫院與診所,開立處方與調配藥物未分開 * * * 政府對醫藥分離措施所作之努力,目前為止並不成功,也尚未規劃其他更大規模的其他醫藥分離方案")
(ii) Masayuki YOKOI 横井 正之 and and Takao TASHIRO 田城 孝雄, Influence of the Separation of Prescription and Dispensation of Medicine on Its Cost in Japanese Prefectures. Global Journal of Health Science, 6: 57-62 (2014).
www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.ph ... iewFile/32247/20234


"In Japan, the separation system became optional in the 1960s." page 57

"Japan has a universal national health insurance system." p 58

"Currently, while the separation system is optional for hospitals and clinics, its use is gradually increasing throughout the country."  p 59

(e) "On Aug 13, the Consumer Council 消費者委員會, a government-funded watchdog, cited seven drugstores for 'disgraceful' practices, including price gouging, saying the stores threatened Hong Kong’s reputation as a 'shopper’s paradise.' "
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