Note: It is 4:30 PM, EDT Thursday (Nov 12, 2015). Google times the oldest English-language reports as The Hill ("2 hour ago") and Reuters ("58 minutes ago"). But the latter reported Pentagon briefing, while the former got the tip and inquired Pentagon about it. There is no doubt that The Hil has the scoop.
美国B-52轰炸机日前飞越南中国海中国人工岛礁. VOA Chinese, Nov 12, 2015 ... 151113/3055323.html
, which is, in part, based on
Kristina Wong, US Flies B-52 Bombers Near Disputed Islands Claimed by China. The Hill, NOv 12, 2015. ... ds-claimed-by-china
(Two bombers over the weekend made one pass within 12 nautical miles of the islands, in what the military refers to as a "freedom of navigation" operation)