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发表于 11-17-2015 19:24:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
喬納森·黑德, 國際縱橫:緬甸小城在大選後面臨的挑戰. BBC Chinese, Nov 15, 2015
www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/world_ ... look_burma_hinthada

, which is translated from

Jonathan Head, Myanmar Delta Town Faces Huge Challenges After NLD win. BBC, Nov 10, 2015.

two consecutive paragraphs:

"Aung San Suu Kyi's first task will be to negotiate a handover of power from a military establishment, which has run almost every aspect of administration for the past 53 years.

"After that, though, her inexperienced and untested party will have to manage the enormous expectations their ebullient campaign has aroused.

(a) "One of the clearest indications of how well the National League for Democracy was going to do in Myanmar's election was the early news that the acting leader of the military-backed USDP, U Htay Oo, had been decisively defeated in the Irrawaddy Delta town of Hinthada."

(on Irrawaddy River [qv for map])

View the map only.
(b) "The [National League for Democracy )NLD)] party ran on the same platform it offered everywhere else in Myanmar - the stature of Aung San Suu Kyi and vague promises of change. But that was enough."

BBC Chinese: "反對黨的競選方法和緬甸其他地方一樣,就是一尊昂山素季的塑像,還有不明確的改革承諾,但是這已經足夠。"

The translation is wrong, mistaking "stature" for "statute 塑像."
(c) "Pyo Myint Thein, a pro-NLD activist and member of the so-called '88 Generation' of dissidents said what was important to him was ensuring that the military's grip on local government was loosened."

88 Generation Students Group
(on Aug 8, 1988 (8-8-88), a general strike began from which the uprising would later take its name)


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 楼主| 发表于 11-17-2015 19:25:55 | 只看该作者
The report before the election:

Jonathan Head, The Story of a Small But Crucial Town in Myanmar. BBC, Nov 5, 2015.


Hinthada "lies just at the point where the Irrawaddy spreads out into the vast delta

"But this year the little town has taken on outsize importance, because of the political prominence of one of its native sons, U Htay Oo. He is a former general and confidante of one-time military ruler Than Shwe, and now the de facto leader of the ruling party, the USDP, following a dramatic purge in August of Shwe Mann, a powerful and ambitious man once talked of as a possible presidential candidate.

"As elsewhere in Myanmar, in Hinthada the party is campaigning on a single issue; electing Aung San Suu Kyi.  Their simple message, of hope and change, has very few details.

"With no recent history of free voting, and no real polling, it is difficult to guess which way the people of Hinthada will go; there are a few other parties visible in the area, but it is essentially a two-horse race.

(a) Than Shwe
(1933- ; was the head of state of Burma from 1992 to 2011; In 2011 he officially stepped down, in favour of his hand-picked successor, Thein Sein [a former general who unleashed the reform])
(b) Shwe Mann
(1947- ; a former general; a protégé of Than Shwe)

Quote: "In May 2013, he replaced President Thein Sein as head of the ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP). That same year, he confirmed he would run for president in 2015. Amidst reports of tensions between himself and Thein Sein, he was removed from his post as head of the USDP in August 2015.

(c) "The distinctive red flag of the NLD, with its gold peacock and white star, is visible everywhere on the road to Hinthada. In town you see even more of them, along with life-sized portraits of 'The Lady.' "
(i) National League for Democracy
(section 2 Party symbol)
(ii) Peacock Mating Dance Display. YouTube.com, uploaded by NZWildWings on Aug 9, 2012.

(d) "There are two such portraits of Ms Suu Kyi flanking Myint Thein's clothing shop. Inside young brides-to-be awkwardly peruse lace blouses and matching longyis to wear at their weddings. Myint Thein, his wife and staff were proudly wearing NLD colours."

(section 2 Design and style: Strictly speaking, they are not unisex attire, as the way they are worn as well as the patterns and makeup are different between the two sexes)
(e) "Asked which party he would back, [muslim] U Maung Maung Win told us he would vote NLD, because, he said, 'he trusted Daw Suu.' "

Aung San Suu Kyi
(1945- ; section 1 Name)

Quote: "The Burmese refer to her as Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Daw, literally meaning 'aunt,' is not part of her name but is a Burmese honorific for any older and revered woman, akin to 'Madame.' Burmese address her Daw Suu and Amay Suu ('Mother Suu'), (and even 'Aunty Suu'), and also the formal Dr Suu Kyi.

(f) "He had a few digs at "The Lady", telling his audience not to be taken in by pretty actresses."

take in (vt): "DECEIVE, DUPE"
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