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DMG Buys Eastern Broadcasting Co

发表于 11-22-2015 19:29:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
鍾智凱 and 王憶紅, 東森電視賣197億 買家出身解放軍; 中國DMG收購 美公司出面. Liberty Times, Nov 23, 2015 (available now).


"隸屬於中國DMG控股公司旗下的美國DMG娛樂集團執行長丹.密茨(Dan Mintz)昨日證實,該集團以六億美元(約一九七億台幣)買下私募基金凱雷持有的東森電視六十一%股份,將接手東森電視營運

"DMG控股公司是中國最大的娛樂傳媒集團,業務包括廣告、公關、行銷等。現任董事長肖文閣是影劇圈大亨,出身中國解放軍家庭、傳其父為解放軍十大將之一,一九九三年與Dan Mintz、中國全國前體操冠軍吳冰共同成立DMG。而後更成立美國DMG娛樂集團,進軍美國好萊塢。


My comment:
(a) The subtitle "中國DMG收購 美公司出面" comes from Liberty Times itself. The text of the report says 中國DMG denies it.
(b) The German/Jewsih sruname Mintz means a person who lived in Mainz.

(2) Richard Verrier, DMG Entertainment CEO Dan Mintz to buy Taiwan's top TV network for $600 million. Los Angeles Times, Nov 21, 2015.
http://www.latimes.com/entertain ... 20151121-story.html


"Dan Mintz, chief executive of the Los Angeles-based media company DMG Entertainment, has signed a deal to acquire Taiwan's top television network. * * * from the private equity firm Carlyle Group

"EBC is the largest privately owned Mandarin-language TV network with 20 channels, including eight in Taiwan that show a mix of news, sports, movies, dramas and children's programs. EBC also is carried on cable and satellite services in North America and Europe

"DMG, which is affiliated with a publicly traded company in China

(a)  DMG Entertainment Group   DMG娛樂傳媒集團
Yinji Entertainment & Media Ltd  印紀影視娛樂傳媒有限公司
(b) DMG控股集團
https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/DM ... 1%E9%9B%86%E5%9C%98
(c) DMG Yinji


"As part of a strategic reorganization in 2015, DMG announced it's China-based operations would list on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange through a reverse takeover involving Shenzhen Stock Exchange-listed Sichuan Gaojin Foods, a pork and meat processor. The deal, as reported by Variety, involved Gaojin issuing shares to buy up the larger DMG and set a valuation for DMG of RMB6.01 billion (US$970 million). Following the share issue, Peter Xiao Wenge, DMG’s chairman and biggest shareholder, was reported to become the largest individual shareholder of the listed company.[1] Under the new corporate structure, the listed Chinese company was renamed Yinji Entertainment & Media Co. Ltd. [SZSE 002143][2] or more commonly DMG Yinji. US-based operations remain privately-controlled and operate under the DMG Entertainment brand.

"DMG Yinji began ['in the early 1990s'] as an advertising agency that was founded by Dan Mintz, Peter Xiao, and Wu Bing

(i) 王令麟 founded Eastern 東森 Broadcasting Company (EBC; based in Taipei) in 1991. Carlyle acquired a majority of ownership in 2006.
(ii) Lisa Wang, Embattled Eastern Broadcasting to delist from bourse. Taipei Times, June 25, 2007.

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