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发表于 11-23-2015 16:34:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
傅才德, 在高楼林立的香港,给野牛一片自由徜徉的天地. 纽约时报中文网, Nov 23, 2015 (香港日志)

, which is translated from

Michael Forsythe, Where Humans Herd Themselves and Cattle Roam Free. (under the heading "Hong Kong Journal").

(a) "Most of Hong Kong is not an urban jungle, but rather a real one, teeming with monkeys, Burmese pythons, barking deer, wild boars and 14 types of venomous snakes (eight of which, including the king cobra, are lethal to humans). About three-quarters of the land here is countryside, mostly mountainous terrain and much of it protected as parkland."
(i) Burmese pythons
(Python bivittatus)

View the map for worldwide distribution.
(ii) For barking deer, see 赤麂
(Muntiacus muntjak; 受惊或遇到危险时会发出如狗吠的声音; 分布于印度、东南亚及华南地区)
(iii) king cobra  眼镜王蛇
(Ophiophagus hannah)

View the map for  distribution.

(b) In decades past "most of the work animals were abandoned [by farms]. * * * As many as 1,000-odd feral bovines — mostly cattle but also water buffaloes — remain [in the wild].  
(c) "A decade ago, the animals’ future looked uncertain as developers, especially on Lantau Island, home to the city’s airport and Disneyland, pushed the government to remove them to clear land for new houses."

Lantau Island  大嶼山

Where did the English name Lantau come from?  See 鳳凰山 (香港)
(English name: Lantau Peak; section 1 別名)

(d) "cattle * * * are not a protected species [in HK] * * * Karina O’Carroll, 32, is * * * a founder of Sai Kung Buffalo Watch * * * Cows are far and away the most common wild animal seen in Hong Kong"
(i) Sai Kung Buffalo Watch has no Chinese name officially (as in its Facebook page).

Chinese translation varies: 西贡野牛关注小组 (NYT), 西贡野牛关注小组 (南早香港指南), 野牛会 etc.
(ii) This 西貢 refers to 西貢區 in New Territory, Hong Kong. See 西貢區
(section 2.1 命名)

西貢區 includes 西貢半島 (pointing to the east) and 清水灣半島 Clear Water Bay Peninsula (清水灣 Clear Water Bay is at southeastern corner of the latter peninsula).
(iii) 西貢
("備註[:] 位於香港的「西貢」(Sai Kung;漢語拼音:Xigong)和位於原南越的「西貢」(Saigon)的英文名稱並不相同,不要混淆")

(e) "Hong Kong’s thriving wild fauna stands in sharp contrast to the rest of China. From 1970 to 2010, the population of reptiles and amphibians fell 97 percent in China, while the mammal populations — humans excepted — fell 50 percent during the same period, according to a study released this month by the World Wide Fund for Nature."

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