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发表于 11-25-2015 18:14:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 11-25-2015 18:43 编辑

BBC Chinese, Nov 24, 2015

, which is an abbreviated translation of

John McDonnell Quotes Chairman Mao in Spending Review Attack. BBC, Nov 24, 2015.

(a) BBC Chinese states, "财政大臣奥斯本回答说,'影子财政大臣真的站在那里,在朗读毛的小红书啊。'  '但问题是,影子内阁的一半成员都被送去接受再教育了。'  奥斯本显然是在讽刺工党影子内阁的一些成员纷纷在5月份的大选中落选,没能进入议会。”

The BBC (English report does not have it.  Other news outlets have:

"The Treasury chief picked it up and said: 'So the shadow Chancellor literally stood at the despatch box and read out from Mao's little red book.  Oh look! It's his personal signed copy. The problem is half the Shadow Cabinet have been sent off to re-education."

* About the last sentence of the quotation ("The problem is half the Shadow Cabinet have been sent off to re-education"), the report at VOA Chinese interprets it differently : "分析认为他这番话指的是科尔宾今年成为工党党魁后造成的党内分裂。"    Jeremy Corbyn assumed leadership of Labor Party on Sept 12, 2015.
(b) Chancellor of the Exchequer  
(head of Her Majesty's Treasury;  in recent times has come to be the most powerful office in British politics after the Prime Minister; "the Exchequer [was] the medieval English institution for the collection of royal revenues. The Exchequer dates from the time of Henry I [grandson of William the Conqueror]")

财政大臣 or 财相
(c) despatch box

In the photo, the Opposition frontbench is at the right border of the photo.

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