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Red King Crabs Came to Norway

发表于 11-28-2015 16:48:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
蒂姆·威尔, 记者来鸿:俄国 ‘红色大军’ 入侵挪威? BBC Chinese, Nov 19, 2015.
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... russians_are_coming

My comment:
(a) There was indeed a recent report from a reporter of the same name at BBC. See

Christine Pike on Twitter ("@ceramiclover; 4:10 AM - 7 Nov 2015"): "@BBCTimWhewell Loved your piece about Chatka Crab! Hope similar pr job can be done for signal crayfish https://abbycrayfish.wordpress.com/"

However, the only one I can find is displayed in the following posting, which talks about the crab in paragraphs, and did not mention his father’s -- not his -- childhood home in Lancashire. Take notice also that the Nov 7 twitter predated (2), dated Nov 12.

(b) "1930年代,在兰开夏郡(Lancashire)住廉租房的家庭 * * * 父亲记忆中,他小的时候,曾经进入我们威尔家族厨房最具外国风情的食品,是俄国、也就是前苏联的察加(chatka)蟹。事实上,这也是他们见过的唯一的进口食品。察加(堪察加Kamchatka的缩写)!当时,父亲觉得那个外国名字非常浪漫。堪察加半岛,那片从西伯利亚探入太平洋的天涯海角,那片火山高耸、冰雪茫茫的神秘土地。威尔家厨房里这款进口食品想必只是真品的 '简版':一小筒粉红色的蟹肉,标签上,两枚金星之间是一只螃蟹"
(i) "Although Lancaster is still the county town, the county's administrative centre is Preston."  Wikipedia
(ii) history of Lancashire
(section 1 Toponomy: Lancashire takes its name from the city of Lancaster, whose name means 'Roman fort on the River Lune', combining the name of the river with the Old English cæster, which derived from the Roman word for a fort or camp)
(iii) Kamchatka: "Siberian peninsula, named for a native people, the Kamchadal, from Koriak konchachal, said to mean 'men of the far end.' "
Online Etymology Dictionary
(iv) Chatka Crab

with its logo.

(c) "挪威北部码头边,螃蟹舞动着带刺的大钳子,试图逃出塑料箱 * * * 正式名称来称呼这些俄国螃蟹吧:堪察加拟石蟹,也就是俗称的 '阿拉斯加红色帝王蟹' "
(i) crab


"Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which typically have a very short projecting 'tail' (abdomen) (Greek: βραχύς / brachys = short, οὐρά / οura = tail), usually entirely hidden under the thorax.

"Many other animals with similar names – such as hermit crabs, king crabs, porcelain crabs, horseshoe crabs and crab lice – are not true crabs

(A)  A crab is a cephalothorax
(of various arthropods, comprising the head and the thorax fused together, as distinct from the abdomen behind)
(B) "An example of a cephalothorax is the head and chest of a crab.”
(C) Richard Fox, Callinectes sapidus Blue Crab with Notes on Cancer. Lander University, May 30, 2007
("On the ventral surface locate the abdomen (Fig 2) flexed beneath the thorax")
(ii) king crab
(Red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus, also called Kamchatka crab))

(d) "在偏远的比圭内斯(Burgoynes)港,我看到挪威渔民正在卸船的那些帝王蟹售价一公斤10英镑,一天的收获可以高达2500英镑。"

(a fishing village in Norway)

(e) "在马里波恩(Marylebone,伦敦的豪宅区)一家餐馆,食客动刀叉之前刚刚杀掉的帝王蟹售价高达每公斤74英镑。这样推算,一只中等大小的帝王蟹就可以卖到至少325英镑。不过,花了这笔钱,你不仅仅可以吃到美味蟹肉,还可以了解盘中餐的一生故事,至少是 '暮年' [of life of the king crabs] 那个篇章吧。因为,每只帝王蟹一下船,都立刻贴上单独标签,上有条形码。"
(i) Marylebone
(an area, bounded by  Marylebone Road to the north)
(ii) Marylebone the road and Marylebone the area got their name from a church of that name. see History. St Marylebone Parish Church (on Marylebone Road, London), undated
www.stmarylebone.org/index.php?o ... =118&Itemid=230

(f) "不过,真是遗憾,回想一下,父亲年轻时,埃克尔斯(Eccles,位于曼彻斯特西北)市场上根本没有、从来没有鲜活的堪察加螃蟹,等着人们买回家煮熟、敲开盖儿浇上醋享用。虽然那些小罐头很好吃,现在看来,苏联还是给了我们 '短秤。' "
(i) Eccles, Greater Manchester
(a town; 3.7 miles (6.0 km) west of Manchester city centre)
(ii) " 苏联还是给了我们 '短秤。' "

给了我们短秤 give sb short measure/ give short measure to sb

short measure (n): "an amount, especially of alcohol, less than that which is declared or paid for"
www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/de ... glish/short-measure


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 楼主| 发表于 11-28-2015 16:49:22 | 只看该作者
(1) Tim Whewell, Has the Kremlin Been Meddling with Its Arctic Friends?  BBC Chinese, Nov 12, 2015

Only three consecutive paragraphs in this report are about king crabs:

"Norwegian fishermen who used to export to Russia have been badly hit by Russian counter-sanctions. But still flourishing is a business at Bugoynes west of Kirkenes, where massive king crabs - some 1.5m long - are packed and transported live to some of the world's smartest restaurants, under the supervision of a Russian marine biologist, Roman Vasiliev.

"King crabs were originally introduced to the region in the 1960s by Soviet scientists - and regarded by many Norwegians as alien invaders, destroying existing sea life. Later, however, local fishermen realised what a valuable catch they were. 'I would call them a gift from Russia to Norway,' Vasiliev says - though he admits that the creatures, which can easily crush a man's finger, are dangerous.

" 'They will fight to the end. In some ways they are like Russians!' he says. It's a joke, of course, but in the current political climate a slightly uneasy one.

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of the text.

(b) the little town of Kirkenes isn't in Russia. It's in Norway. * * * and Russia's adjoining Kola peninsula"
(i) Kirkenes
(section 1 History: name)
(ii) Kola Peninsula

(c) "until recently he [Thomas Nilsen] edited an online newspaper, the Barents Observer"
(i) Barents Sea ("the sea takes its current name from the Dutch navigator Willem Barentsz [c 1550 – 1597; anglicized as William Barents; explored the Arctic for the Dutch])  Wikipedia  
(ii) Map of Barents Sea. Worldatlas.com, undatedwww.worldatlas.com/aatlas/infopage/barentssea.htm
(iii) Not to be confused with Bering Strait, named after "Vitus Bering, a Danish-born explorer in the service of the Russian Empire. Wikipedia"

(2) The BBC Chinese report is more like the old days when Norwegians considered king crabs in invasive pest. See the title of

James Own, Giant Crab 'Red Army' Invades Norway. National Geographic News, Mar 9, 2004.
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