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Sotheby 将拍卖毛泽东致艾德礼英文信函

发表于 12-1-2015 10:34:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
伦敦将拍卖毛泽东致艾德礼英文信函. BBC Chinese, Dec 1, 2015
(1937年11月1日写给当时英国工党领袖克莱门特·艾德礼 Clement Attlee 的信 * * * 这封有毛泽东和八路军总司令朱德签名 [in both Chinese and English, for both men] 的信)

(a) BBC English does NOT have a similar (read: original) report.
(b) Clement Attlee (1883-1967; prime minister 1934-1951; leader of the Labour Party 1935-1955)

(c) "据苏富比方面介绍 * * * 是由新西兰记者詹姆斯·门罗·贝特兰 James Munro Bertram 翻译打印的 * * * 贝特兰1910年8月11日生于奥克兰,父亲为传教士。他曾就读英国牛津大学,主修英语 * * * 1935年,年仅25岁的贝特兰获得罗德基金的资助前往中国和日本。在北京期间,他为英国《泰晤士报》撰稿"
(i) The en.wikipedia.org has page for James Munro Bertram, which is quite similar to another(see next). I assume the latter came first.
(ii) Story: James Munro Bertram. The Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, vol 4, 1998
("the son of Ivo Edgar Bertram, a Presbyterian minister * * * [Wikipedia: studied English literature at] Auckland University College, where he was enrolled from 1929 to 1931 * * * In 1932 Bertram was awarded a diploma in journalism [from where, it is not spelled out] and in the same year a Rhodes Scholarship took him to New College, at Oxford University. There he took a first in English * * * in 1935 he eagerly accepted a travelling fellowship from the Rhodes Trust to visit China, and spent 1936 in Peking (Beijing) learning Mandarin. The fellowship was renewed for 1937 and he made his way to Sian (Xi'an), where General Chiang Kai-shek had been seized by officers sympathetic to the communists, a crisis that led to the formation of the United Front against the Japanese invaders. After interviewing Mao Tse-tung in Yan'an (the first British journalist to do so), he travelled for five months with the Eighth Route Army in north China. These experiences resulted in [books] Crisis in China (1937) and North China front (1939)")

* A minister is not a missionary. A minister stays in domestic churches.
* Rhodes House
(The Rhodes Trust is based at Rhodes House; The Rhodes Trust provides the Rhodes Scholarships)

(d) "1954年8月24日,艾德礼成为中华人民共和国成立后第一位与毛泽东会谈的西方政治家。"

In 1954, he was opposition leader, not holding an office. See (b).
(e) Sotheby's
http://www.sothebys.com/en/aucti ... -l15408/lot.21.html
("PROPERTY OF ANNE, COUNTESS ATTLEE * * * Estimate 100,000 — 150,000 GBP * * * romanised names following the Wade-Giles system written in ink alongside the Chinese signatures ('Mao TseTung' and 'Chū Te') * * * [dispatched] from Yan'an")

* Anne is wife of John Attlee, 3rd Earl Attlee
(grandson of Clement Attlee)

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