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美軍期刊 採用我軍演照片

发表于 12-1-2015 16:24:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
羅添斌, 美軍智庫手冊 採用我軍演照片. Liberty Times, Dec 2, 2015.

(a) "台美軍事交流層級近來不斷提升,美軍太平洋司令部更儼然成為與台灣對口的美軍代表"

什麼是 '對口單位'?  應用於何處? October 2006.
https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/que ... 061024000012KK01927

3Q = Thank you

(b) "太平洋司令部所屬部隊也接連與我軍方單位締結姊妹盟約,例如 * * * 我國心戰大隊也與太平洋司令部的心戰部隊結為姊妹盟"

Regarding 太平洋司令部的心戰部隊.
(i) Psychological Operations (United States; acronym: PSYOP): "Between 2010 and 2014, PSYOP was renamed Military Information Support Operations (MISO), then briefly renamed PSYOP in Aug 2014, only to return to MISO shortly thereafter in 2015 [in army, air orce, navy and Marine corps]"  Wikipedia
(ii) 8th Military Information Support Group
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8t ... ation_Support_Group
(section 2 Organization, section 2.2 5th MISB(A) – United States Pacific Command (USPACOM)
(A) MISB(A) = Military Information Support Battalion (Airborne)
(B) Take notice Military Information Support Group (MISG) -- including its unit MISB(A) -- is part of US army. Th army's 5th MISB(A) does the work for navy's Pacific command: "The 5th Psychological Operations Battalion (Airborne) has responsibility for all psychological operations activities in the US Pacific Command (PACOM) theater of operations, which includes the Far East and the Pacific Rim."  Globalsecurity.org

(c) "美國軍方智庫亞太防務論壇的二○一六年手冊"

"Asia Pacific Defense Forum" is not a think tank, but a magazine. See About Us. APDForum.com, undated
("APDForum.com is the online version of Asia Pacific Defense Forum magazine and is sponsored by the US Pacific Command (USPACOM). * * * Asia-Pacific Defense Forum is a professional military magazine published quarterly by the Commander of the United States Pacific Command to provide an international forum for military personnel of the Asian and Pacific areas. The opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent the policies or points of view of this command or any other agency of the United States government. All articles are written by APD Forum staff unless otherwise noted")

In this light (“do not necessarily represent the policies or points of view of this command”), there is nothing to be excited about in Taiwan's media, in my view.
(d) The report of 二○一六年手冊 first appeared 20 hours ago (it is 7 pm EST, Dec 1, 2015):

馬總統與國旗 登上美軍智庫2016年日誌. Central News Agency, Dec 1, 2015.

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