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Penis Transplantation

发表于 12-7-2015 19:54:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Denise Grady, New Transplant May Heal War's Hidden Scars. New York Times, Dec 7, 2015.
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/0 ... -hidden-wounds.html
("From 2001 to 2013, 1,367 men in military service suffered wounds to the genitals in Iraq or Afghanistan, according to the Department of Defense Trauma Registry. Nearly all were under 35 and were hurt by homemade bombs, commonly called improvised explosive devices, or IEDs. Some lost all or part of their penises or testicles — what doctors call genitourinary injuries")

(a) "Dr WP Andrew Lee [李為平 (son of 李學炎將軍, who died last year)], the chairman of plastic and reconstructive surgery [2010- ] at Johns [Hopkins] Hopkins"
(i) Jennifer Bails, Able Hands. Pitt Magazine (of University of Pittsburgh), Fall 2009.
("Lee’s parents came from the Canton and Szechuan regions of China. His father had flown a bomber for the Republic of China Air Force alongside the American Flying Tigers to fight the Japanese invasion in World War II. During the Communist Revolution, the family escaped to Taiwan, where Lee was born. When he reached age 15, his parents sent him to join his brother and three sisters, who were already in the United States")
(ii) Madison Park, One Year After Double Hand Transplant, Progress Elusive. CNN, Aug 30, 2010.
("It takes time, he [WP Andrew Lee] said. In 2003, the doctor visited a double hand transplant recipient in Austria six months after the operation and was discouraged by the patient's lack of mobility or sensation.  But that patient improved eventually and can now disassemble a pen and put it back together.  'After three to four years, he had very good function in both hands' ")

There has been no more updates on Mr Kepner, except that he and his wife opened a gofundme.com account, to request donations.

(b) "Only two other penis transplants have been reported in medical journals: a failed one in China in 2006 and a successful one in South Africa last year.
(A) Hu W et al, A Preliminary Report of Penile Transplantation. Eur Urol, 50: 851-853 (2006)
(abstract: "A 44-year-old male recipient with traumatic penile defect that occurred 8 mo earlier was matched with a 22-year-old, male, brain-dead donor. Transplantation included anastomosis of urethra corpus spongiosum and corpus cavernosum, and sutures of deep dorsal vein, dorsal artery, dorsal nerve, and superficial dorsal vein. Systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics, anticoagulation, antispasm agents, and immunosuppressants were given postoperatively. The recipient could urinate smoothly in a standing position at day 10 after removal of Foley catheter. At day 14 postoperatively because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife, the transplanted penis was cut off. Pathologic examination showed no rejection")
(B) Hu W et al, A Preliminary Report of Penile Transplantation. Part 2. Eur Urol, 50: 1115-1116 (2006; discussion in 1116; abstract unavailable)
(ii) at Tygerberg Hospital. S Afr Med J, 105: 251-292 (April 2015)  (abstract unavailable).

(c) "Although surgeons can create a penis from tissue taken from other parts of a patient’s own body — an operation being done more and more on transgender men [women --> men] — erections are not possible without an implant, and the implants too often shift position, cause infection or come out, Dr [Richard J] Redett [member of the team at Johns Hopkins Hospital to transplant penis] said. * * * For now, the operation is being offered only to men injured in combat, Dr Lee said. It is not available to transgender people, though that may change in the future."
(A) falloplasty
(The lengthening of the urethra is when most complications occur)
(B) Visual Comparison of Suprapubic Phalloplasty and Radial Forearm Phalloplasty. FTM Surgery Support Forum (in Tumblr), undated

FTM = female-to-male
SRS = sex reassignment surgery
(C) You should go to images.google.com with the search term (falloplasty). They are not pretty both the graft sites and the created penis.
(ii) penile prosthesis = penile implant
(A) penile prosthesis
(section 2 Types of devices)
(B) penile implant. Mayo Clinic, undated.
http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests- ... nition/prc-20013140

View the graphic only.

(d) "there will be all sorts of questions about whether you will do it for gender reassignment * * * What do you say to the donor? A 23-year-old wounded in the line of duty has a very different sound than somebody who is seeking gender reassignment."

sound (n): "the impression conveyed : IMPORT"

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