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Sanofi Has Vaccine Against Dengue Fever

发表于 12-10-2015 12:12:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 12-10-2015 12:13 编辑

Denise Roland and Noemie Bisserbe, Sanofi's Vaccine Gets Nod; Mexico has approved teh company's drug against dengue fever, but hasn't set price yet. Wall Street Journal, Dec 10, 2015.
http://www.wsj.com/articles/mexi ... s-remain-1449676613

My comment:
(a) Dengue fever has become epidemic in southern Taiwan.
(b) "Sanofi was founded in 1973 as subsidiary of Elf Aquitaine." en.wikipedia.org.  The word Sanofi, which is meaningless, was coined because "its consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel structure is easier to pronounce in many different languages."  company website.
(c) Sanofi's vaccine "was most effective at protecting against severe dengue, the potentially fatal form of the disease * * * Dengue infects about 390 million people a year globally, 96 million of whom require treatment, according to the WHO. Only the most severe cases, about 500,000 a year, are admitted to a hospital, though a large proportion of these are children."

Most patients with dengue fever recover on their own. Only if those patients who are infected a second strain of the virus develop into severe form (why? Nobody knows), which is "dengue hemorrhagic fever," causing bleeding and other symptoms.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-10-2015 12:12:43 | 只看该作者
dengue fever

(a) In Spanish pronunciation, "gu" (as in Miguel (Michael)) is pronounced like "g" in English.
(b) dengue fever
(a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus; Treatment of acute dengue is supportive; It is not entirely clear why secondary infection with a different strain of dengue virus places people at risk of dengue hemorrhagic fever; no approved vaccines for the dengue virus; section 7 Epidemiology: (view map) Dengue fever, which was once confined to Southeast Asia, has now spread to Southern China; section 8,1 Etymology: unknown)
(c) Chen Wei-ting and Evelyn Kao, Taiwan Confirms 11 New Deaths Caused by Dengue Fever. Central News Agency, Dec 8, 2015
(Since May, 40,919 cases including 195 deaths)

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