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An NYT Food Critic’s Picks for 2015

发表于 12-21-2015 19:33:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Ligaya Mishan, It May Feel Like Tight Quarters. Stay Awhile Anyway; Here are our top 10 places to eat well and cheaply. New York Times, Dec 16, 2015.

(1) "4. Okonomi * * *
150 Ainslie Street (Lorimer Street), Williamsburg, Brooklyn; 718-302-0598 for recorded information only; okonomibk.com.”

(a) Okonomi here is the name of the eatery in Chinatown, Manhattan.
(b) Short for お好み焼き, the noun okonomi お好み is defined as “[your] choice, preference” (here meaning a customer gets to select add-ons).  The “o” in “okonomi” is an honorific (showing respect).  See also okonomi
(c) chef Yūji HARAGUCHI  原口 雄次  (The cn.nytimes.com, based in Beijing and unfamiliar with New York, was wrong to translate the name . See
Florence Fabricant, 此時游紐約,不可錯過的當季美食. 纽约时报中文网, Sept 14, 2013
("原口二郎(Yuji Haraguchi)在布魯克林威廉斯堡新開的迷你Okonomi餐廳")
(d) The “dashi broth left over from making the soup giv[es] a bronzed cake of omelet an interior of velvet

Japanese English dictionary:
* dashi《出し(P); 出汁》 【だし(P)】 (n): "dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp)"

(2) “5. Kopitiam

In Malaysian tradition, a kopitiam, or coffee shop, can be the heart of a neighborhood, however humble its size or décor. Kyo Pang, a native of Penang, opened this minuscule storefront in a rapidly changing Chinatown * * * wanting to honor the memory of her grandfather’s kopitiam.

51B Canal Street (Orchard Street), Lower East Side; 646-894-7081; no website.”

Note: kopi tiam
(kopi is a Malay/Hokkien term for coffee and tiam is the Hokkien/Hakka term for shop (店))

(3) “10. Crêpes Canaveral

The people of Brittany have eaten crepes since the Crusaders returned bearing buckwheat from the East. * * *

No current address; 347-278-5342.”

My comment:
(a) buckwheat
(section 1 Etymology; section 2 History: The wild ancestor of common buckwheat [Fagopyrum esculentum] is F esculentum ssp. ancestrale.)

The "ssp" stands for "subspecies."
(b) buckwheat might or might not come to Brittany through Crusaders. I can not find credible evidence one way or another.
(c) When was the first crepe made?  It is disputed. Some say it was in 1895 in Paris.

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