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中国官员称经济增速6.5%难度大 导至股市今天下挫

发表于 1-11-2016 16:41:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
达斯古普塔, 中国官员称经济增速6.5%难度大 股市下挫. VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2016
("他的这一言论对中国股市造成冲击,上证指数星期一 [today] 下挫5.3%")

, which is translated from

Saibal Dasgupta, China’s Stocks Fall as Official Raises Doubts About Economic Growth. VOA, Jan 11, 2016.
www.voanews.com/content/asian-ma ... -china/3139623.html

the first 3 1/2 paragraphs:

"A senior government official caused a stir saying that the Chinese economy will face difficulties in achieving an average 6.5 percent growth over the next five years. The remark had an impact on the stock market with the Shanghai Composite Index plunging 5.3 percent on Monday [today].

"Li Wei, president of the State Council's Development Research Centre, said over the weekend that a growth rate of 6.5 percent is not high, but it will be very difficult to achieve this pace of growth".

"Most economists expect a much lower performance. But the market was surprised to hear an official of the State Council, which is led by the Premier, saying that the official target of 6.5 percent is “very difficult to achieve”.

"Questions are now being asked if China may water down its growth target. * * *

Note: 梁敏, 十三五' 中国经济至少面临三大方面约束. 中国证券网, Jan 10, 2016.

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