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All Omens Say KMT Will Lose Big: Me

发表于 1-15-2016 10:38:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-15-2016 12:10 编辑

Minnie Chan, Taiwan’s Military Veterans Ready to ‘Betray’ Their Past at the Ballot Boxes and Vote Against the KMT. South China Morning Post *SCMP), Jan 14, 2016.
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/p ... y-betray-their-past

(a) SCMP does not translate this report into Chinese.
(b) "campaign flag of Liu Shih-fang 劉世芳 [a female ex deputy mayor of Kaohsiung, who challenges the seven-term 黃昭順 of KMT, also a woman], the opposition Democratic Progressive Party’s local candidate for the island’s legislature"

(c) "Chiang lives in the Zuoying Naval Dependent Villages District, a 52-hectare community built by the Japanese colonial government in the 1940s and later occupied by KMT forces who had fled the mainland in 1949."
(i) 左營海軍眷村. 高雄市政府文化局, undated (under the heading 文化資產)
("昭和12年(1937)日本海軍開始籌劃左營軍港 * * * 昭和15年(1940)4月正式動工。 * * * 為了解決日本海軍官兵居住的需求,於是在軍港周圍規劃海軍官舍供已婚或單身的官兵居住。這是左營眷村的濫觴")
(ii) 左營海軍眷村. 文化部 文化資產局, undated/
www.boch.gov.tw/boch/frontsite/c ... ssetsClassifyId=3.1

(1) I just found the translation. Yet I simply can not understand why the title says Tainan, whereas the text says Koahsiung.

Minnie Chan, 挺了國民黨幾十年 台南老兵為何 '變綠'?  '我們就像孤兒一樣。我們的父母來到台灣的時候無家可歸。他們一輩子守護台灣。他們在這裡落地生根,但現在,我們被我們的黨連根拔起。'  Jan 14, 2016.
http://www.nanzao.com/tc/hk-maca ... ing-wei-he-bian-lv-
(2) However, General Jiang (retired) is not the only veteran who hanged the national flag upside down. See
(a) 鮑建信, 眷村住戶倒掛國旗 抗議國防部與財團掛鉤. Liberty Times, Oct 24, 2015.
(b) 不滿強制拆屋未補助 眷戶倒掛國旗抗議-民視新聞. YouTube.com, uploaded on Oct 23, 2015.

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