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本次台湾大选 中国国民党 '辞世之作': 丁学良

发表于 1-15-2016 12:53:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
丁学良, 最后的中国国民党人. FT中文网, Jab 15, 2016.

My comment:
(a) "于是就有了蒋经国1980年代末辞世之前的双手太极式的政策:一方面是挑选台湾本省人担任党政要职和准备接班,一方面开启台湾和大陆的民间往来以加强感情连带,首先是从外省籍老兵回大陆原籍探亲起头。"

This is false, as if President Chiang Ching-kuo foresaw and [rearranged everything. I was not in Taiwan, but the truth is lowly veterans demonstrated in the streets, demanding a right to return to visit (if not to settle). In retrospect, many KMT elite (that includes ordinary people, such as a classmate mine in high school, whose grandfather came to Taiwan to stay for the rest his life!) had had secret contacts with their clans in China (not my relatives in Taiwan, who never looked back). Many Taiwanese 本省人 were sympathetic, and donated.
(b) "于是,李登辉采取了一个换酒也换瓶的策略,尽速把中国国民党完全改换成 '台湾国民党。' "

This is also untrue. KMT members are made up of mostly Taiwanese, ever since it retreated to Taiwan. (KMT did not force me, or anybody I knew of, to join -- contrary to rumors to the contrary. However, KMT did covet the little membership fee; naturally it wishes to have as many members as possible. Yet KMT was odorous among people in Taiwan -- after all I lived in Kaohsiung.
(c) "作为马总统,做了马同学时就想做的事"

I google the term, and only this essay uses it. So the quotation marks around it are wrong. The 马同学 alludes to his time as a foreign student at Harvard Law School. (I am unaware of Ma's thinking while a college student in Taiwan, where he published nothing.)
(d) 丁学良

I find nothing about the year he was born.

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