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Russia's Troubled Vostochny Space Port Readies for Lift-Off

发表于 1-30-2016 09:45:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
阿克肖诺夫, 国际纵横:俄国受困的东方港太空站. BBC Chinese, Jan 30, 2016
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... _troubled_vostochny

, which is translated from

Pavel Aksenov, Russia's Troubled Vostochny Space Port Readies for Lift-Off. BBC Chinese, Jan 30, 2016
("Unlike Baikonur, Russia's Far Eastern space site is compact. * * * partly because modern technology is so much more efficient than in the Soviet era.  The launch itself will be controlled by computer and by one person, very different from the big launch crew at Baikonur")

(a) "Vostochny was once a top secret site with a Soviet nuclear missile division hidden deep in Russia's Taiga forest wilderness. Its distant, Far Eastern location made it the perfect setting for Russia's new Vostochny space port.
It was Vladimir Putin's personal idea to build a new space port in Russia - to avoid any potential political risks of using the old Soviet launch centre at Baikonur in Kazakhstan."
(i) Vostochny Cosmodrome ("Eastern Spaceport"/ construction 2011- , scheduled to be completed in 2018)  en.wikipedia.org
(A) taiga (n; Russian; First Known Use 1888): "a moist subarctic forest dominated by conifers (as spruce and fir) that begins where the tundra ends"
(B) View maps in

* taiga
* tundra
(iii) Baikonur Cosmodrome
(section 1.1.1 Name)

(b) "To come here from Moscow you have to fly for seven hours to the nearest big city of Blagoveshchensk and then another 90 minutes by helicopter over a vast woodland landscape."

Blagoveshchensk (lit. the city of good news; he administrative center of Amur Oblast)  en.wikipedia.org

(c) "This advance in infrastructure, digital systems and technology is a big step for the Russian space industry, although when it comes to the rocket it will still rely on a modernised version of the old space workhorse, the Soyuz.  The new family of Angara heavy-lifting rockets is yet to come and will need a new launch pad at Vostochny. * * * [Due to the contraction of Russian economy] now Vostochny will have just one more launch pad rather than two for the Angara rocket."
(i) Soyuz
(ii) Angara River

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