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海峡论谈:美舰驶入西沙群岛 承认台湾为声索方

发表于 1-31-2016 19:05:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Jan 31, 2016.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 160131/3170502.html

two consecutive paragraphs:

"五角大楼发言人戴维斯(Jeff Davis )表示,'这一行动挑战了中国、台湾和越南限制航行权利和自由的企图。'中、台、越三方在其声称拥有主权的海域内,都要求外国军舰事先获得许可或通报才可通过。

"但戴维斯表示,事先未通报任何一方,'这符合国际法以及我们的常规程序。' 他还表示美国对南中国海岛屿的主权不持立场。在科蒂斯·威尔伯号驶过中建岛时,周围并无中国解放军军舰。

My comment:
(a) The Pentagon does not publish the remarks in its website (www.defense.gov), as of now.
(b) News report say Mr Jeff Davis issued a statement yesterday, the day of US sail-by.
(i) AFO reports most of the Pentagon statement.

US warship sailed in waters off island claimed by China. AFP, Jan 30, 2016.
http://www.globalpost.com/articl ... sland-claimed-china
(ii) It appears that US challenges both the claims of China, Taiwan and Vietnam over Paracel islands (particularly the Triton islands; not their claims over other parts of South China Sea) and the requirement of notification in advance by the three claimants. The later does not comport with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). China's warship passes through Aleutian Islands half a year ago without prior notification to US.
(iii) This is not the first time US acknowledges Taiwan's claim over the (entire) South China Sea. I recall Us acknowledged the same a few months back (but off hand, I can not pinpoint the source).

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