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发表于 2-8-2016 16:28:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
平章, 记者手记:走进伯灵顿,桑德斯的社会主义梦起飞之地. VOA Chinese, Feb
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 160206/3179764.html

(a) "在美国东北部绿山山脉的脚下,一个名叫伯灵顿的城市静静地坐落在尚普兰湖湖 Lake Champlain 畔的山坡上。"
(i) Green Mountains
(The part of the range that is in Massachusetts is known as The Berkshires, and the part in Quebec is called the Sutton Mountains, or Monts Sutton; map)

* "Sir Francis Bernard, the Royal Governor [of Massachusetts] (in office 1760-1769), named the area 'Berkshire' to honor his home county in England."  Wikipedia in the page of "The Berkshires"
(ii) Burlington, Vermont
(county seat[6] of Chittenden County; section 1 Etymology)

(b) "1981年,40岁的桑德斯当选伯灵顿市的市长。 * * *
他也曾涉足政坛,多次竞选参议员,但都以失败告终。直到1981年,他终于以 '独立人士 independent' 的身份成为了佛蒙特州最大的城市,也就是伯灵顿市的市长。"
(i) "After settling in Vermont in 1968, Sanders ran unsuccessful third-party campaigns for governor and US senator in the early to mid-1970s. As an independent, he was elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont's most populous city, in 1981. He was reelected three times."
(ii) third party (United States)
("is used in the United States for any and all political parties in the United States other than one of the two major parties (Republican Party and Democratic Party). The term can also refer to independent politicians not affiliated with any party at all and to write-in candidates")
(iii) electoral history of Bernie Sanders

(c) "桑德斯的政治理念跟他的成长背景不无关系。桑德斯出生在纽约布鲁克林区的一个犹太移民家庭。他的父母为了躲避大屠杀从波兰来到美国,父亲是一个油漆推销员,一生拮据。母亲毕生的梦想是能有座属于自己的房子,但一直到她在46岁去世,这个梦想也没能实现。母亲去世的时候桑德斯才19岁,他曾对《纽约时报》的记者马克•雷波维奇(Mark Leibovich)说:'就在那个时候,对阶级的敏感就深深地嵌在了我的身体里。' "
(i) Bernie Sanders
(1941- ; birth name Bernard Sanders; Sanders studied at Brooklyn College for a year in 1959–60 before transferring to the University of Chicago and graduating with a bachelor of arts degree in political science in 1964)

Quote: "His father, Eli Sanders, was born on September 19, 1904, in Słopnice, Poland, to a Jewish family, and emigrated to the United States in 1921, at the age of seventeen. His mother, Dorothy Sanders (née Glassberg), was born in New York City on October 2, 1912,[24][25] to Jewish immigrant parents from Poland and Russia. Many of Eli's relatives who remained in Poland were killed in the Holocaust.

(A) It is preposterous for VOA to say, "他的父母为了躲避大屠杀从波兰来到美国." Holocaust occurred two decades after his father arrive in US.
(B) The Wiki page should have said "in present-day Poland."  Poland was created in 1918 (after World War I ended). "Poland successfully managed to fuse the territories of the three former partitioning powers into a cohesive nation state."
(ii) Mark Leibovich, The Socialist Senator. The New York Times Magazine, Jan 20, 2007
("Sanders’s parents were Jewish immigrants from Poland. His father, Eli, a struggling paint salesman who saw his family wiped out in the Holocaust, worried constantly about supporting his wife and two sons. His mother, Dorothy, dreamed of living in a 'private home,' but they never made it beyond their three-and-a-half-room apartment on East 26th and Kings Highway. She died at age 46, when Bernie was 19. 'Sensitivity to class was imbedded in me then quite deeply,' Sanders told me, * * * His administration sued the local cable franchise and won reduced rates for customers")

He was first elected to US senate in 2006 and re-elected in 2012.

(d) "不过在自由资本主义传统根深蒂固的美国,'社会主义' 在很长一段时间里并不为大众所接受。"
(i) This is my first time to see the term 自由资本主义, which 百度百科 has corresponding English: "laisser-faire capitalism."  U have not seen this term, either.
(ii) Jeff Landauer and Joseph Rowlands, Laissez Faire Capitalism. Importance of Philosophy, undated.


" 'Laissez Faire' is French for 'leave alone' which means that the government leaves the people alone regarding all economic activities. It is the separation of economy and state.

" 'Laissez Faire Capitalism' is actually redundant, due to the nature of Capitalism. Therefore, simply 'Capitalism' is sufficient to get the point across although historically it has been misrepresented as compatible with government economic interference

(e) "虽然不愿被贴上 '社会主义者' 的标签,但桑德斯在伯灵顿执政期间还是不失时机地施展着自己社会主义的理念:他在那里成立了 '伯灵顿社区土地信托公司,' 通过把土地交由信托公司持有,使土地之上的房屋能够以很便宜的价格出售,从而使穷人也能买得起房子;他还率领市政府把当地的有线电视公司告上法庭,迫使其支付巨额的庭外调解费并大幅降价"
(i) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Sanders
("Under Sanders, Burlington became the first city in the country to fund community-trust housing")
(ii) Champlain Housing Trust
(A) About Us
("founded in 1984, is the largest community land trust in the country. Throughout Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle counties, CHT manages 2,200 apartments, stewards 565 owner-occupied homes in its signature shared-equity program?)
(B) History
("Burlington Community Land trust (BCLT) and Lake Champlain Housing Development Corporation (LCHDC) were each founded in 1984 with the financial support of the city of Burlington in partnership with neighboring communities and citizen groups. * * * Both groups were charged with producing and maintaining permanently affordable housing - be it rental or homeownership - for low income individuals and families. By merging in 2006, they combined their strengths to form Champlain Housing Trust to comprehensively serve the affordable housing and community development needs of Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Counties")
(iii) How does community land trust work?  
(A) Alana Semuels, Affordable Housing, Always. Gentrification is pushing long-term residents out of urban neighborhoods. Can collective land ownership keep prices down permanently?  The Atlantic, July 2015
www.theatlantic.com/business/arc ... sing-always/397637/

Read only the text from "Mark Rogers, the executive director of the Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation (GNDC), told me"
to "Despite [Robert] Swann’s success, the idea didn’t really take off in urban areas in America until the 1980s."
(B) Robert Swann (1918–2003; race: white)
(iv) Frequently Asked Questions Quick Links. Rochester, MN: First Gomes, undated.
http://www.firsthomes.org/learn- ... asked-questions.php
(v) "他还率领市政府把当地的有线电视公司告上法庭,迫使其支付巨额的庭外调解费并大幅降价."  See (c)(ii).

(f) "他不仅在市长任上连任三届,还在1990年当选了佛蒙特州的联邦众议员,随后连任8届也就是16年,成为了众议院历史上任期最长的独立人士。2006年,他又以独立人士的身份当选参议员,一直任职至今。"

(" Under Sanders, Burlington became the first city in the country to fund community-trust housing. * * * After serving four two-year terms [as mayor of Burlington], Sanders chose not to seek reelection" and his term ended on Apr 4 1989 [see table; Burlington elects both mayor and city council in the very beginning of March of odd years]; section 3 US House of Representatives, section 3.1 Elections: Sanders in November 1988 had lost the election to US House to lieutenant governor Smith [see (b)(iii) above])
(g) "如今,正在问鼎白宫的桑德斯要面对的是全美国的选民,所以这一次,他只得以民主党总统候选人的身份加入了选战,至少 '社会主义' 也可算是民主党 '进步主义' progressivism 理念中的一支。"

(table: Political party: Democratic (2015–present), Independent (1979–2015) )

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 楼主| 发表于 2-8-2016 16:29:22 | 只看该作者
Laura Meckler and Richard Rubin, Democrats’ Shift Left Aids Sanders; Candidate’s liberal positions attract young as Socialism loses its sting. Wall Street Journal, Feb 8, 2016 (front page)
http://www.wsj.com/articles/how- ... -sanders-1454897602
("Mr Sanders, so liberal he resisted joining Democratic Party for decades")

Excerpt in the window of print: On social security, Mr Sanders wants to increase benefits for everyone.

My comment: More than warm and fuzzy stuff, this report talks about ideology of, Wall Street Journal says, Mr Sanders’.

However, WSJ seems to lock it (report) behind pay wall.
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