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发表于 2-9-2016 10:50:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Feb 9, 2016.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 160209/3182897.html


(a) "据港媒报道,香港食品环境署去年农历新年驱赶及带走旺角等地街边夜市摆摊的熟食小贩,近日也大力打击各区熟食小贩,香港一些本土团体今年就呼吁民众在旺角保卫包括如小贩、夜市等在内的本土文化,并在网上发起 '勇武捍卫小贩' 的抗争行动,呼吁年初一晚重夺旺角砵兰街一带的夜市,协助本地小贩在街上经营。

"1月8日 [Chinese New Year Day] 晚上约9点,'本土民主前线' 的十多名成员吸引数百人在旺角一带聚集,协助熟食小贩开摊,指骂食环署职员驱赶小贩,警方因应食环署要求到场调停。10点左右,大批警察到场支援。

(b) "明报报道说,该报记者采访期间遭警员以警棍打后脑及脚踢,导致记者头部受伤,往医院求诊。

(c) "其间有一位交通警察向天空两次鸣枪警告。现场视频显示,该警察还一度将手枪直接指向示威者。示威者指骂开枪警员,有多名情绪激动人士持木板冲向开枪警员。开枪警员在其他警察提醒下将手枪插回枪袋,并在众多警察护送下离开现场。

(d) " 双方冲突持续了近8个小时,到初二早上8点多基本平静。

Note: 旺角  Mong Kok/Mongkok
(section 2 歷史; "砵蘭街 [Portland Street; en.wikipedia.org: named after William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland, two-time UK Prime Minister 1783, 1807-1809] ——原為紅燈區,現為綜合商業區, 包括 * * * 朗豪坊")

(2) Press release: Journalists Attacked During Riots in Hong Kong. International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Feb 9, 2016.
http://www.ifj.org/nc/news-singl ... riots-in-hong-kong/

Note: IFJ 國際記者聯盟 does not issue a Chinese version of this press release.

(3) 亲历旺角冲突:'为何我熟悉的香港会成这样.' BBC Chinese, Feb 9, 2016.
www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/china/ ... ong_riot_eyewitness

(a) "香港独立媒体(HKFP)记者郑乐捷"

Hong Kong Free Press does not adopt a Chinese name.
("a free, non-profit online newspaper based in Hong Kong. It was founded [in June 2015] by independent journalists")

(b) "约12时,警方尝试第二次清理旺角朗豪坊的小贩摊档,双方僵持一小时后"
(i) Peter Kwok, Langham Place Mall. PBase, Oct 26, 2009
(Designed by California based architect Jon Jerde; "The name of this shopping mall comes from its corporate parent, the Langham Hotel International, which is now based in Hong Kong. The original Langham Hotel in London is named after its address on the very short street called Langham Place [in Westminster, London]")
(ii) 朗豪坊
(關於位於英國倫敦的同名街道,詳見「朗豪坊 (倫敦)」 ; 一座摩天大樓,位於九龍旺角亞皆老街 [Argyle Street] 8號,於2004年10月落成)

(c) "示威者移至西洋菜街 [Sai Yeung Choi Street; used to be a field that grew watercress 西洋菜]、弥敦道 [Nathan Road] 时开始扔砖头及点火。"
(d) "赵燕婷听到警方使用咪高峰 [Cantonese for microphone; Cantonese for megaphone is 大聲公] 说 [to protesters],不要淋火水 [Cantonese 火水 = 煤油 kerosene],不过她自已没有亲眼目睹淋火水的一幕。"

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