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发表于 2-16-2016 18:35:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 2-16-2016 18:43 编辑

My comment: It is unlikely you will read English or Japanese edition (I read both), so read Chinese edition and notes (a), (b) and (e).

English: KATAKURA Yoshifumi, The Wansei: History’s Castaways Look Homeward to Taiwan. Nippon.com, Feb 15, 2016.

Japanese: 片倉 佳史, 今も抱かれる望郷の念——湾生と台湾. Oct 16, 2015.

simplified Chinese:   片仓佳史, 至今怀揣望乡之念——湾生与台湾. Oct 16, 2015.

(a) The Original was in Japanese, published on Oct 16, 2015 along with Chinese edition. The English edition was published yesterday
(b) The www.nippon.com is
About Nippon.com. Nippon.com, undated
("Nippon.com is produced by the Nippon Communications Foundation with support from the Nippon Foundation [日本財団]")

All three entities in the quotation are private, based in Tokyo.
(c) Japanese English dictionary:
* bōkyō 望郷 【ぼうきょう】 (n): "homesickness; nostalgia"
* na-i-chi-jin 内地人 【ないちじん】 (n): "people living in the country; people living inland; Japanese in Japan proper"
* hō-ō-boku  ホウオウボク 《鳳凰木; 鳳凰樹(iK)》 【ほうおうぼく】 (n): “royal poinciana (Delonix regia); flamboyant”
  ^ hō-ō 鳳凰 【ほうおう】 (n): "(sometimes erroneously associated with the Egyptian phoenix) (See フェニックス・1) Chinese firebird; Chinese phoenix"
               For Egyptian phoenix, see Bennu

(d) "By the end of World War II, there were approximately half a million naichijin in Taiwan, including members of the military. * * * A survey carried out in October 1945 by the Office of the Governor-General, then under the control of the US military, determined that the total population of naichijin in Taiwan, excluding Japanese military personnel, was 384,847—200,026 men and 184,821 women"

Taiwan under Japanese rule
(section 4.4 Population: "In 1905, the population of Taiwan was roughly 3 million. By 1940 the population had grown to 5.87 million, and by the end of World War II in 1946 it numbered 6.09 million")

It is unclear whether these Wiki numbers included "naichijin," whose number, as disclosed here, are  beyond my imagination.
(i) 建成小學校
https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/% ... F%E5%AD%B8%E6%A0%A1
(1922-1945; 位於建成町)
(ii) 台北市政府舊廈(原建成小學校). 數位典藏與學習聯合目錄, undated (photo)


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