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中国中小城市 也一样 产能过剩

发表于 2-18-2016 15:40:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 2-18-2016 15:49 编辑

James T Areddy, 产能过剩蔓延至中国中小城市. 华尔街日报中文版, Feb 18, 2016

, which is translated from

James T Areddy,  China Gluts Swamps Hinterland; Surplus Squeezes second-tier towns Beijing was counting on for growth, deepening global woes. Wall Street Journal, Feb 18, 2016 (front page).
http://www.wsj.com/articles/over ... f-crisis-1455738108

Excerpt in the window of print: Beijing is counting on smaller cities to help expand the middle class.


"relentless overproduction -- here [Suizhou] it is mushrooms and cement trucks * * * Beyond the glut of steel and apartments that weighed down growth in recent years, China's economy is also saturated with surplus goods from farms and factories. Numerous small and mid-size cities such as Suizhou, which boomed on easy credit and government support for agribusiness and construction, were supposed to provide the second wave in China's growth story. Instead they are now sputtering * * * The struggles in Suizhou show how China's slowdown is broad and deep and hard to fix.

"The government has made a priority of eliminating 'zombie companies' * * * to clear the path for more more vibrant parts of the economy. The squeeze won't be easy because in small, remote places such as Suizhou, overbuilt industries are often the economic backbone.

"The funk is apparent in seaboard eastern cities such as Rugao 江苏省南通市如皋市 and Nantong, which are suffering from excess shipbuilding capacity and swelling ranks of jobless. Too many producers of plate glass in the northern city of Shahe have led to factory closing in what locals like to call China's Toledo. * * * *

"Shiitake is the Japanese name for the edible fungus that is called xiang-gu in Mandarin, and now China provides 80% of the global supply. Suizhou's commercial bureau says the city is the country's biggest exporter of shiitake, accounting for $610 million in business activity.

My comment:
(a) Suizhou 湖北省随州市
(b) Having learned Japanese since 1980s, I am clueless that shiitake is 香菇. Indeed en.wikipedia.org says 冬菇 and 花菇 are all shiitake.
(c) Wall Street Journal locks the report behind pay wall. There is no need to read the rest.

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