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杀戮与腐败, 在东南亚

发表于 2-23-2016 10:40:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Thomas Fuller, 杀戮与腐败,时报记者在东南亚的十年生死记录. 纽约时报中文网, Feb 23, 2016 (under the heading 记者手记)

, which is translated from

Thomas Fuller, Naked Corruption, Up Close and Personal in Asia; 'Unusual wealth' is everywhere in Southeast Asia. New York Times, Feb 22, 2016 (front page).
("Then came a loud crack, the sound of a sniper’s bullet breaking the sound barrier. [Maj] General Khattiya [Sawatdiphol of Thailand] collapsed at my feet.  One blink earlier he was answering my questions. Now he was slumped on the ground, his vacant eyes still open, as blood spilled onto his camouflage uniform. The world around me went into slow motion as I watched the general being dragged away by his supporters")

Note: vacant (adj): "devoid of thought, reflection, or expression <a vacant smile>"

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