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Why China's Super-Rich Send Their Children Abroad

发表于 2-23-2016 16:46:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jiayang Fan, The Golden Generation; Why China's super-rich send their children abroad. New Yorker, Feb 22, 2016 (under the heading "Annals of Wealth").
http://www.newyorker.com/magazin ... rich-kids-head-west
("Weymi [CHO] moved to Vancouver at the age of fourteen, to attend boarding school. Her family owns a successful semiconductor business in Taiwan, where she grew up, but her parents are from the mainland. She and her sister attended an international school, which prepared them for studies abroad, and she spent summers travelling in America or Australia. 'My dad always wanted our English to be strong,' she told me. 'The plan was always to send us out West.' * * * [She] spoke of the impoverished rural region of Yunnan, in southern China, from which her mother came")

, which has a translated summary in traditional Chinese:

張詠晴編譯, 那些被爸媽放在國外的中國白富美們. 天下雜誌, Feb 19, 2016 (blog)

My comment:
(a) Weymi Cho 卓微
(b) Judging from the four comments in the 天下雜誌, apparently nobody in Taiwan has heard of Ms Cho, her father or his business.
(c) A HBIC TV's reality show set in Vancouver, titled 公主我最大 Luxurious Lifestyles of the Ultra Rich Asian Girls/ Ultra Rich Asian Girls of Vancouver (I find both English titles), broadcast in YouTube.com (producer Kevin LI 李冠扬)

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