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護照貼有貼紙恐被遣返? TPS批鬼扯

发表于 2-24-2016 16:42:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Tomorrow's news first.

(1) 護照貼有貼紙恐被遣返? TPS批鬼扯. Liberty Times, Feb 24, 2016

(a) 台灣國護照貼紙 Taiwan Passport Sticker
(b) Customs and Border Protection (CBP; within US Department of Homeland Security)
(c) The group TPS makes various stickers.
(d) The report in Liberty Times cut off bottom portions of two attachments, without stating it.

For the TPS riposte, search within the URL listed in (a) for the posting titled: "台灣國貼紙運動‬ (Taiwan Passport Sticker Movement) TPS編輯群共同聲明:不貼在國外被刁難,貼了在台灣被刁難," which contains a  

(2) 劉冠廷, 護照封面為何不可有貼紙 外長:維護民眾權益. Taiwan: 蘋果日報, Feb 23, 2016
http://www.appledaily.com.tw/rea ... ew/20160223/801567/
(外交部長林永樂指出 * * * 事實上美國就有明確表示,希望我國人在進入美國的時候,不要在護照封面上有任何改變,或用貼紙去掩蓋住任何文字,因為這可能在國外會遭遇到困難,甚至過去也有被遣返的例子")
美國Customs and Border Protection官員的回信:

Response CBP Officer Hanzlik 12/21/2015 02:05 PM

Dear XXX

You can use the passport to enter the US if you did not change anything on the inside of the passport. That is not a serious problem.


Information for International Visitors to the US

Information about the visa waiver problem
https://travel.state.gov/comtent ... waiver-program.html

Answer title: About the Electronic System for the Travel Authorization (ESTA)
Answer Link: https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/1072


Thank you for contacting the US Customs and Border Protection (CNP) INFO Center. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to call our toll-free number 877-CBP-5511 (877-227-5571). From outside the United States, please call 202-325-8000 - you may incur charges from your telephone service providers for this call. Our service hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Eastern Time. We are closed on all US federal holidays.

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