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《南都》因严重 '导向事故' 开除编辑

发表于 3-1-2016 16:08:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-1-2016 16:32 编辑

BBC Chinese, Mar 1, 2016.
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... andou_media_sacking

(a) It is 7 pm,, Monday, Mar 1, 2016.
(i) To be honest, I see nothing amiss.
(ii) This may help you (and me): in the home page, the summary underneath the title of this report is as follows: "南方都市报》深圳版封面因惊现 '媒体姓党,魂归大海' 藏头诗,影射习近平的“导向事故”,宣布开除当班编辑,行政处分副总编。"
(iii) What is deemed offensive: "媒体姓党," "魂归大海" (alluding to whom or what?) or both when combined?  It sounds like 文字狱 to me.

(c) Google marks the BBC report "5 hours ago." This is the second earliest Chinese-language report.
(d) The earliest one (Google: "9 hours ago") is

南方都市报 '严重导向事故' 处分责任人. 明鏡新聞網, Mar 1, 2016 (博客)
http://www.mingjingnews.com/MIB/ ... ID=0000004400000599

, which appears to be "南字5号" that the BBC report quotes.

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