本帖最后由 choi 于 3-2-2016 13:17 编辑
(4) Kit Chellel, Beasts of No Nation. Can Stuart Bray Get His South China Tiger back to South China? (feature story)
http://www.bloomberg.com/feature ... south-china-tigers/
(A Belgian citizen, who lives in London most of the year, has Chinese girlfriend (LI Quan) and propagate these tigers in South Africa, wants China to support his ambitious plan to reintroduce South China tiger back into the wild in China, which is not so enthusiastic)
Quote: South China tiger is "one of the most critically endangered species on earth, one that the World Wildlife Fund considers 'functionally extinct.' None are believed to remain in the wild; perhaps 100 exist in captivity. Bray has 19 of them on his 74,000 acres. A 20th died the night before, after an encounter with a blesbok.
(a) South China tiger
(Panthera tigris amoyensis; a tiger subspecies)
(i) All tiger in the world belongs to just one species. There are various subspecies.
(ii) The subspecies name "amoyensi" is derived from Amoy 厦门.
(b) "A 20th died the night before, after an encounter with a blesbok"
(i) There is a photograph about No 20, whose caption states, "Delta, a female, was injured in December while hunting a blesbok; darted by a ranger [perhaps with an aim to treat the tiger], she died overnight."
(ii) blesbok
(It has a distinctive white face and forehead which inspired the name, because bles is the Afrikaans word for a blaze such as one might see on the forehead of a horse)
* blaze (n; etymology: different from "blaze" as fire): "a usually white stripe down the center of the face of an animal"
(5) Meghan Winter, The Most Difficult Business You Could Run. Why is it so hard to open abortion clinic -- and why so many are closing? (another feature story)
("The stigma around abortion prevents [Julie] Burkhart’s nonprofit from performing many of the everyday transactions essential to businesses. She and other [abortion] clinic owners have had trouble[, besides buying ads,] securing mortgages, medical insurance, contractors, and someone willing to deliver Band-Aids and bottles of water. Especially in rural and conservative regions, a wide range of companies and organizations decline to work with abortion providers, either for reasons of personal conscience or because of fears that being associated with abortion will cost them business")
(a) NPR National Public Radio
(b) George Tiller
(1941 – 2009)
(c) Reading a few paragraphs is enough.