本帖最后由 choi 于 3-14-2016 16:54 编辑
(1) Two political parties in Japan (Democratic Party of Japan and Japan Innovation Party 民主、維新両党) merged, and is christened 民進党.
(2) Democratic Party of Japan 民主党 (formed in 1998 through merger of several opposition parties; ruling party 2009-2012 that produced tHREE prime ministers Yukio HATOYAMA 鳩山 由紀夫 (2009-2010), Naoto KAN (2010-2011) and Yoshihoko NODA 野田 佳彦)
(3) Tōru HASHIMOTO 橋下 徹 (mayor of City of Osaka since 2011) co-founded Japan Innovation Party 維新の党 in 2014 but left.
(4) On Feb 24, 2016 these two parties agreed to merge. Today the merged party adopts the name Minshintō 民進党, over 立憲民主党 (another name under consideration).