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Eve M Kahn's 'Antiques' Column, Mar 11 (II)

发表于 3-14-2016 15:36:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The URL is in yesterday's posting "Eve M Kahn's 'Antiques' Column, Mar 11 (I)." However, you do not need it, because I reproduce the principal paragraphs, of a brief report.

(2) Mosaics on the Move.
(several separate exhibition of mosaics)

(a) "In an exhibition opening on March 24, 'Gods and Mortals at Olympus: Ancient Dion, City of Zeus,' the Onassis Cultural Center in New York will display mosaic depictions of Dionysus's life that were installed about 1,800 years ago at the base of Mount Olympus. Dimitrios Pandermalis, president of the Acropolis Museum and director of excavations at Dion, Greece, said that when the panels are returned to Dion, a new museum there will allow visitors to watch conservators at work.
(i) Dion
(may refer to: Dion, Pieria, also Dio, a town in Pieria, Greece)
(ii) Dionysus

Note the pronunciation of y.

(b) "At the Getty Villa in Malibu, Calif, 'Roman Mosaics Across the Empire,' opening on March 30, will survey ancient flooring from Turkey, Syria, Italy and France as well as Tunisia, where the Getty Conservation Institute is helping to protect mosaic pavements amid Roman ruins. The Getty's mosaic of a boxing match will hang alongside a tableau of mythological hunters borrowed from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Both came from Villelaure, a hamlet in southern France, and were sold separately in the 1920s. A study center is being built in Villelaure, where more mosaic flooring has been excavated."
(i)  Roman Mosaics Across the Empire, Mar 30-Sept 12, 2016. Getty Villa, undated.
(ii) "The Getty's mosaic of a boxing match"

Mosaic Floor with Combat Between Dares and Entellus. Getty Villa, undated
http://www.getty.edu/art/collect ... lo-roman-about-175/
(A) Entellus
(B) Aeneid

* pronunciation: Aeneid
http://www.oxforddictionaries.co ... ican_english/aeneid
(C) The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences literature and general information. 11 ed (1911), Vol 22, at page 637
https://books.google.com/books?i ... opaedia&f=false
("PUGILISM (from Lat. pugil, boxer, Gr. πúξ [pýx], with clenched fist), the practice of sport of fighting with the fists. The first mention of such fighting in literature is found in the 23rd book of the Iliad, and shows that in Homer's time the art was already highly developed.  * * * Further on we find the account of the games on the occasion of the funeral of Anchises, in the course of which Dares, the Trojan, receiving no answer to his challenge from the Sicilians, who stood aghast at his nighty proportions, claims the prize; but, just as it is about to be awarded to him, Entellus, an aged but huge and sinewy Sicilians, arises and casts into the arena as a sign of his acceptance of the combat the massive cesti, all stained with blood and brains, which he has inherited from King Fryx, his master in the art of boxing. The Trojans are now appalled in their turn, and Dares, aghast at the fearful implement, refused the battle, which, however, is at length begun after Aeneas has furnished the heroes with equally matched cesti. For some time the young and lusty Dares circles about his gigantic but old and stiff opponent, upon whom he rains a torrent of blows which are avoided by the clever guarding and dodging of the Sicilian hero., At last Entellus, having got his opponent into a favourable position, raises his tremendous right hand on high and aims a terrible blow at the Trojans head; but the wary Dares deftly steps aside, and Entellus, missing his adversary altogether, falls headlong by the impetus of his own blow, with a crash like that of a falling pine. Shouts of mingled exultation and dismay break from the multitude, and the friends of the aged Sicilian rush forward to raise their fallen champion and bear him from the arena; but, greatly to the astonishment of all, Entellus motions them away and returns to the fight more keenly than before. The old man's blood is stirred, and he attacked his youthful enemy with such furious and headlong rushes, buffeting him grievously with both hands, that arenas puts an end to the battle, though barely in time to save the discomfited Trojan from being beaten into insensibility")

* insensible (adj): "UNCONSCIOUS"
(iii) Villelaure
(a commune)

(c) "Recent books in the field have delved into Byzantine church mosaics in Greece and Turkey and Islamic mosaic floors at Hisham's Palace in Jericho in the West Bank."

Hisham's Palace
(The site was discovered in 187; "An ostracon bearing the name 'Hisham' was found during the course of [Palestinian archaeologist, DC] Baramki's excavations. This was interpreted as evidence for the site's construction during the reign of the caliph Hishām ibn ʿAbd al-Malik")

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