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劉泰英, 國民黨

发表于 3-24-2016 15:22:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
曾嬿卿 and 林洧楨, 劉泰英:國民黨沒錢,怎麼賴給我?  幫黨賺700億,不解如今只剩百餘億...  財訊, Mar 23, 2016.
("我從民國八十二年開始當黨營事業主委,當了7年 [April 1993 - April 2000],在那以前,黨營事業一年只賺20多億元,我去了之後,平均一年賺100億元,就700億元,我離開後,現在營運情況我也搞不清楚。根據我那時候的業績,國民黨不可能沒有錢啊!")

My comment:
(a) The magazine places Web page 1 in the public domain, but the next four behind paywall.
(b) 劉泰英 (1936-  (age 79); 臺灣苗栗人 (hence Japanese at birth); 1971 PhD in economics from Cornell, 1967 Master's in economics from University of Rochester (a private univ) )
(c) 痛心疾首. Toward none other than KMT.
(d) The assets of KMT is now in focus, because DPP has gained a majority of seats in legislature for the first time, and is intent on legislation to get the assets out of KMT into national treasury (in part on the belief that once KMT is stripped of assets, its recovery is out of question, its followers being fair-weather friends). Yet days ago KMT said it was bankrupt.

(2) 施曉光, 劉泰英:連戰2000年選總統 花黨產120億; 劉懷疑 錢是否真正花下去? Liberty Times, Mar 25, 2016.


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