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The World's Smallest Kingdom

发表于 4-9-2016 08:01:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
艾略特·斯坦, 地中海探奇:世界上最小的王国. BBC Chinese, Apr 8, 2016
http://www.bbc.com/ukchina/simp/ ... ds-smallest-kingdom

, which is translated from

Eliot Stein, The World's Smallest Kingdom; When he's not fishing for squid or gardening outside his squat bungalow, the king of Tavolara lords over this tiny island's 11 part-time residents and 100 nimble mountan goats. BBC, Mar 8, 2016.
http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/ ... ds-smallest-kingdom

(a) Before you read the text, read this first before deciding whether it is worth your while, or consign the notion to a joke.

Tavolara Island
(introduction: A cove and beach can be found at each end of the island, Spalmatore di Fuori at the northeast, and Spalmatore di Terra at the southwest; section 2 History)

Italian English dictionary
* spalmatore (n; from verb spalmare to spread, to smear + -tore): a tool used to spread
* fuori (noun masculine): "outside"

(b) "This is where I found Antonio Bertoleoni as our ferry sputtered to a float. Better known as 'Tonino,' the 83-year-old former fisherman owns Tavolara's only restaurant and is the reigning ruler of the island, which happens to be the smallest inhabited kingdom in the world."
(i) float (n): "something that floats in or on the surface of a fluid: as * * *"
(ii) Tonino
(a diminutive of the Italian and Spanish Antonio)

(c) "Carlo Alberto, the King of Sardinia * * * confirmed that the far-flung island [Tavolara] had never officially been part of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and he sent Paolo [son of the first settler in the Tavolara island] a scroll from Carlo Alberto's royal family, the House of Savoy, that certified the monarchy's [kingdom of Tavolara's] status."
(i) Kingdom of Sardinia
(1324–1861; acquired by the Duke of Savoy in 1720; was the predecessor state of today's Italy [because it led unification of Italy; when it morphed into Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946 -- see (d))]
(ii) The duke was head of Duchy of Savoy
(Capital: Turin 1562–1713; "The Duchy was a state in the northern part of the Italian Peninsula [straddling present-day Italy and Switzerland], with some territories that are now in France" -- otherwise view map only in this Weki page)
(iii) Savoy (proper name): "of unknown origin" and meaning

(d) "the King of Sardinia at the time, Vittorio Emanuele II, went so far as to sign a peace treaty with the stamp-sized island’s 33 residents in 1903."
(i) This is a typo. The King of Italy in 1903 was Vittorio Emanuele III (1869 – 1947; King of Italy 1900-1946 abdicated three weeks before a successful referendum to abolish the monarchy), the only child of Umberto I (assassinated) and a grandson of Vittorio Emanuele II.
(ii) Vittorio Emanuele II
(1820 – 1878; King of Sardinia 1849 - 1861; King of Italy 1861- 1878)

(e) "Tonino's restaurant [is] adorned with the royal crest that King Paolo I first designed."
(i) crest (heraldry)
(the symbol or device borne on top of the helm)
(ii) However, my guess is: here, the crest means coat of arms.

crest (n):
"1a :  a showy tuft or process on the head of an animal and especially a bird [original meaning]
b :  the plume or identifying emblem worn on a knight's helmet * * *
c (1) :  a heraldic representation of the crest * * * (3) :  COAT OF ARMS"

(f) "like San Marino, Tavolara has never been formally annexed into modern Italy"

San Marino
(The official date of the founding of what is now known as the Republic [of San Marino] is Sept 3, 301)

I stop here.

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