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发表于 4-9-2016 10:41:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Apr 9, 2016

(a) "美国国防部长卡特星期五 [Apr 8, 2016] 在纽约外交关系协会" (Council on Foreign Relations, headquartered in Manhattan)
(b) "卡特说,在韩国的美军有一句口号叫 '今晚战斗':'不是我们要今晚战斗,而是他们准备今晚战斗。' "

Well, this is a huge faux pas on the part of VOA.  今晚战斗 does not appear in this speech, bit rather, in an old speech.
(i) Lisa Ferdinando, Carter Outlines Security Challenges, Warns Against Sequestration. DoD News, Mar 17, 2016
http://www.defense.gov/News-Arti ... ainst-sequestration
(Carter that day testified "at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on the fiscal year 2017 defense budget request * * * Forces on the Korean Peninsula remain ready to 'fight tonight,' he [Carter] said, noting North Korea poses a threat to regional security and stability")
(A) Lisa Ferdinando, Carter Highlights Importance of Asia-Pacific on Eve of Trip to Region. DoD News, Apr 8, 2016
http://www.defense.gov/News-Arti ... e-of-trip-to-region

does not contain "Fight tonight" -- that is because the transcript does not have it. See next.
(B) Remarks on 'America's Growing Security Network in the Asia-Pacific' (Council on Foreign Relations). As Delivered by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, New York, New York, April 8, 2016.
http://www.defense.gov/News/Spee ... ific-council-on-for

Quote: "Since World War II, millions have been lifted from poverty and into the middle class.  And even though there’s still room for improvement, democracy and freedom have spread to places across the region.  And economic miracle after miracle has occurred in the region: first Japan, then Taiwan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, rose and prospered, and now, today, China and India are doing the same."

This is the only mention of Taiwan in the transcript.

(b) VOA Chinese: "卡特在纽约发表讲话期间,历数了为达到此一目标美军即将部署的军力:'不仅将部署365000军力,还要部署最先进军力。包括F-22和F-35隐形战斗机,P-8海神海上监视飞机,继续部署B-2和B-52战略轰炸机,还有我们最新的水面作战舰艇,如USS美利坚号两栖攻击舰,和所有我们三个最新级别的隐形驱逐舰,DDG-1000,它们将常驻太平洋舰队。' "

The transcript: "We are enhancing America's force posture throughout this vitally important region to continue playing a pivotal role from the sea, in the air, and under the water, as well as to make our posture more geographically distributed, operationally resilient, and politically sustainable.  To do so we continue to bring the best people and platforms forward to the Asia-Pacific – not only increasing the number of US military personnel in the region, part of some 365,000 assigned the Asia-Pacific today, but also sending and stationing some of our most advanced capabilities there.  That includes F-22 and F-35 stealth fighter jets, P-8 Poseidon maritime surveillance aircraft, continuous deployments of B-2 and B-52 strategic bombers, and also our newest surface warfare ships, like the amphibious assault ship USS America, and all three of our newest class of stealth destroyers, the DDG-1000, which will all be homeported with the Pacific fleet."

(i) USS America
(may refer to: "USS America (LHA-6), an America-class amphibious assault ship awarded for construction in June 2007 and commissioned in 2014")
(ii) USS America (LHA-6)
(equipped with V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor and F-35B; Homeport  San Diego, California [still is]; "With a displacement of 45,000 tons [US aircraft carriers is about 100,000 tons each], she is as large as the aircraft carriers of many other nations, and can fulfill similar missions when configured with 20 F-35B strike fighters")
(iii) The first in its class, USS Zumwalt (a DDG-1000) will be commissioned in October, this year.


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