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新京报 '单挑' 党媒姓党 星火能否燎原

发表于 4-11-2016 18:26:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 4-11-2016 18:34 编辑

VOA Chinese, Apr 11, 2016
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 160411/3280014.html
(新京报身 "最近连发两篇 '异议' 社评引人关注。4月10日,新京报官方微信订阅号 '沸腾' 发文《记者正常报道与国家安全何干?》,不久后被删除。 * * * 文章被删除后的次日,这家报社又发社评《'本届人民不行' 为什么如此流行?》 * * * 这篇社评刊发时或许是担心在发文之初就被审核掉,采用了一种新的手法。新京报微信订阅号推送说:'抱歉,由于某些原因,今天的推送发布不成功。请后台回复关键词,"这届人民" 或者 "人民" 自行取阅。欢迎帮忙转发,谢谢。'  这一新手法使文章得以 '幸存' 数小时,但最后仍难逃被删的命运")

Note: There is no need to read the VOA report. Go straight to the editorials at issue.
(a) I have a hard time finding the first one. (Neither is in the website of 新京报 -- neither Google nor Bing has a cache). Here it is.

记者正常报道与国家安全何干. 新京报, Apr 10, 2016.

(b) In chronological order.
(i) 习骅, 我们都是风气 '一分子.' 人民日报, Mar 24, 2016 (in the column 人民论坛).
http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/ ... b_20160324_3-04.htm
(ii) 党媒批风气 网友调侃:这届人民不行? 新唐人, Mar 26, 2016
("在评论中出现最多的话是:'这届人民不行!' ")
(A) "本届人民不行 为什么如此流行?"
Not "本届."  "这届."
(B) 西坡, '这届XX不行' 为什么如此流行? 新京报沸腾, Apr 11, 2016.

My comment: Neither Google nor Bing nor Yahoo has a cache. The according to Google ("19 minutes ago" -- it is 10 pm EDT, Apr 11, 2016), Beijing Daily 北京日报 re-published online a second time, but this time changed part of the title to "XX." (The first time, Beijing Daily re-published it for the first time, which was deleted, and Google cache does not work, even now.)

So that it is ensured people can read it, I break my rule and cut and paste here the content of '这届XX不行' 为什么如此流行?


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