本帖最后由 choi 于 4-15-2016 08:50 编辑
RFA, Apr 13, 2016.
http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yata ... 04142016104528.html
(a) "位于东德鲍岑地区的奥伊勒管风琴公司"
Hermann Eule Orgelbau (Founded in 1872 by Hermann Eule; based in Bautzen)
(i) company website (bilingual, in German and English).
(ii) Paul Joyce, A Guide to German Pronunciation. University of Portsmouth, undated.
For pronunciation of "eu" and "e" in "Eule," see
(A) " 'au', 'äu' and 'eu' " for the former (the former (as in "braun") pronounced brown; the latter two pronounced "oi," which explains German noun feminine Europa Europe; derived from Greek Europa, a Phoenician princess in Greek mythology) and
(B) "Unstressed '-e' and '-er' " (sounds like "a" in English noun "sofa").
(iii) German English dictionary:
* Orgelbau (noun masculine): "organ building, organ making"
http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/dings ... elbau&iservice=
^ Orgel (noun feminine): "organ"
^ Bau (noun masculine): "building"
http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/dings ... y=bau&iservice=
(iv) Bautzen
(b) 管风琴 organ (music)
(compare section 4 Chord organs)
(c) "在我们的车间制作好后,再拆分,包装装箱,运到诺伊基尔兴 Neukirchen {there are too many places with the same name],再进一步包装密封,装到海运的集装箱中。这部管风琴总共大约需要五个海运集装箱。"
(d) "奥伊勒公司的运营主任 * * * 说,尽管他们曾经和世界上很多地区的人有过交道,但是和中国交往还是第一次,为此,翻译黑尔维希永远在他的身旁。对于和中国人打交道,黑尔维希说, 我们德国人习惯于直接谈问题。但是中国人不是,他们不同意的时候永远不会说不,而是说我们要考虑一下,我们要回去请示一下领导的意见。但是这不意味着结束 了,而只是现在还不行。"
黑尔维希 Hellwig is a German surname.
(A) The German and Dutch surnames Helwig/Hellwig are "from the medieval personal name Heilwig, Helwig (female and male), composed of the Germanic elements heil luck + wig war."
(B) For pronunciation of "g" at the end of a word, see (a)(ii).
(e) '这部最后签约订货的管风琴,有六十三个音栓 registers,四千零八十三个声管 pipes,并且同时配备有很多新的电子技术"
registration (organ)
(f) "It [this organ] is thought to be the 25th concert organ in China."