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发表于 6-20-2016 12:42:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
威克, 分析:台湾半世纪的自建潜舰梦将成真? BBC Chinese, June 20, 2016.
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... na_taiwan_submarine

(a) "二战期间,意大利海军曾经以微型潜艇布雷袭击停泊在埃及亚历山大港的英国军舰,以小击大,重创英国皇家海军。"
(i) Raid on Alexandria (1941)
("manned torpedoes, nicknamed maiali (pigs) by the Italians"/ limpet mine)
(ii) human torpedo
(or manned torpedo; in World War II)
(iii) Italian English dictionary:
* maiale (noun masculine; plural maiali): "pig; pork"

(b) "受到了启发,台湾在1960年代向意大利购买了用于搭载蛙人、执行渗透突击任务的微型潜艇,在台湾组装,并成立了 '武昌艇队。' 这就是台湾海军第一支潜艇部队。"

(section 1 海昌艇队)

(c) "到了1973年,美国出售两艘1943年、也就是二战期间建造的茄比级 [Guppy-class] 潜艇给台湾 '供反潜训练使用,' 但是名为 '海狮、' '海豹'的这两艘潜艇,不但年纪大,据称交船的时候,鱼雷发射管也被美方封死。"
(i) guppy
(fresh-water; natural range is in northeast South America; The size of guppies vary, but males are typically 1.5–3.5 cm (0.6–1.4 in) long, while females are 3–6 cm (1.2–2.4 in) long)
(ii) https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/中華民國潛艦
(section 3 第二代茄比级潜水舰. section 3.4 鱼雷发射管: "由于美国军援此2艘潜舰给中华民国的目的是作为反潜训练假想敌,因此于潜舰返国后,即传闻美军在移交前已经将鱼雷管封死,或是将所有鱼雷发射管线路剪断,使此两艘潜舰不具有鱼雷发射之能力[7]。但根据参与海狮舰于美国大修的第一任舰长关振清上校回忆,此论点为错误谣言。潜舰移交前美军仅移除机密电子装备与技术书刊,并未拆除潜舰发射鱼雷之相关装备[8]。在海狮舰完成大修离开美国西岸前,关振清舰长另向造船厂索讨4枚(一说2枚)训练用哑雷,作为回国训练使用[8][7]。虽然此二艘潜舰在转交中华民国海军之后仍保有鱼雷发射能力,由于美国政府并未出售给中华民国潜舰用鱼雷,因此本级 [emphasis I place: 本级; see (d) below] 潜舰在服役期间似未曾搭载过作战用鱼雷担任战备[7]")
(iii) The reporter 威克 has a reputation, in my view, of not doing fact-checking.

(d) "除了不出售较为新型的潜艇之外,美国也一直不出售潜艇使用的鱼雷,台湾只有迂回经由第三方取得其他国家制造的潜射鱼雷。"
(i) https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/中華民國潛艦
(section 4 第三代剑龙级潜舰, section 4.2 SUT鱼雷: [blank])
(ii) Wendell Minnick, Taiwan Moves Forward on Sub Upgrades; Upgrades influence new sub builds. Defense News, Apr 4, 2016.
www.defensenews.com/story/breaki ... -upgrades/82603916/


(A) "Taiwan is moving forward with the life extension program (LEP) for its two Dutch-built Sea Dragon-class (Zwaardvis Mk 2) submarines.

(B) "Taiwan also plans to purchase Mk 48 Advanced Capability (ADCAP) torpedoes from the US, to supplant the surface and underwater target (SUT) torpedoes that Taiwan acquired in the mid-1980s via Indonesia.

"[Guy] Stitt[, president, AMI International, Naval Analysts & Advisors] said there might be problems acquiring the ADCAP. The reason is that US Navy submarines are priority users of Mk 48 heavyweights. 'There are not many being made available to allies. The production re-start of the 48 heavyweight is still several years away from producing additional torpedoes.' "

(iii) My belief is US sold Taiwan MK-48 torpedoes, just not Mk 48 ADCAP.
(A) Brian Hsu, Navy Long-Time User of MK48 Torpedoes. Taipei Times, July 9, 2002
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/ ... 02/07/09/0000147553

The "mod" is short for "model."
(B) Mark 48 torpedo
(In service[:] 1971–present (Mod 1), 1988–present (ADCAP); section 5 Operators; Taiwan not included)
(C) KS Sim, China in Transition. Volume 1. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2003, at page 47
https://books.google.com/books?i ... 0taiwan&f=false
("In 2001, the uS approved the largest sale of defensive weapons ad services to Taiwan in nearly a decade. Taiwna's legislature now needs to determine if i will fund the purchases. The major items in th eproposed sale are: * * * MK 48 torpedoes without advanced capabilities (designed to combat fast, deep-divingnuclear submarines and high-performance surface ships")

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