本帖最后由 choi 于 7-3-2016 13:09 编辑
(b) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
(Capital Schwerin; Vorpommern, literally Fore-Pomerania, is the smaller, western part of the former Prussian Province of Pomerania; the eastern part became part of Poland after the end of World War II)
"The name Mecklenburg derives from a castle named 'Mikilenburg' (Old Saxon: 'big castle')." en.wikipedia.org
(c) History of Pomerania
(The name Pomerania comes from the Slavic po more, which means Land at the Sea; Most of Western Pomerania (Vorpommern) today forms the eastern part of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Federal Republic of Germany)
The last map carries a caption: "Historical [Prussian] Province of Pomerania [1815–1945] (yellow) superimposed on modern Germany (red) and Poland (blue)."
(i) "Pomerania, Polish Pomorze, German Pommern (from Slavic po, 'along,' and morze, 'sea')." Encyclopaedia Britannica
(ii) German Wikipedia (de.wikipedia.org) has a page each for Vorommern and Hinterpommern. Instead, en.wikipedia.org has a page each for "Western Pomerania" and "Farther Pomerania."
(iii) German English dictionary:
* vor- (prefix; etymology: "cognate with English fore-"): "pre- (denotes primarily that something is before or in front of another thing or higher in a hierarchy)"
* hinter- (prefix; from Modern German adverb hinten with the same meanings): "after- ; back- "
* Messer (noun neuter): "knife"
(d) "2007年,中国商人庞玉良以3000万欧元现金并追加7000万欧元投资的条件买下位于德国北方什未林市的(Schwerin)一座旧军用机场 [1943-1945, followed by Soviet use during Cold War]"
(i) Brett Neely, Chinese Cargo Firm Buys German Airport. NPR, July 25, 2008
("The Nazis based the world's first jetfighters here [Parchim]")
There is no need to read the rest of this NPR report.
(ii) Messerschmitt Me 262
(Manufacturer Messerschmitt ['named after its chief designer Willy Messerschmitt']; Introduction April 1944)
(iii) For the definition of "Messer," see (c)(iii).