本帖最后由 choi 于 7-8-2016 11:23 编辑
(1) 陈民峰, 台湾火车爆炸桉炸弹客重伤台警24小时戒护. July 8, 2016.
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC ... 6%E6%88%92%E6%8A%A4
(a) "北医医师急救时发现,送到该院的五位伤者中,只有林英昌胸部、腿部都出现点状伤口,经电脑断层扫描,发现伤口裡有金属碎片" which were collected to compare with materials of explosive devices. He was seriously injured (including burns on his exposed area (not covered by clothes), such as mouth cavity [which breathed-in hot air reached from the back], the airway to lungs) -- because he did not use a fuse to ignite explosive devices.
(b) From there, his cellphone supplies through GPS his whereabouts, tracing all the way to the minivan 厢型车 (Taiwan uses traditional characters for the same term), in which he had lived.
(2) 林荣基称订户有中宣部官员和市长疑当局索取硬碟为清算. July 8, 2016
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B ... A%E6%B8%85%E7%AE%97
(3) 甄树基, 后面明明有台阶李克强却趟水指挥 '救灾' 成国际笑话. July 8, 2016
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B ... 5%E7%AC%91%E8%AF%9D
("国务院总理李克强亲赴湖北指挥救灾,再一次发挥其 '亲民' 本色,在武汉长江龙王庙段视察堤坝加固情况时,不顾水深及膝走下水中,一边涉水,一边撑伞指挥救灾,在旁一众官员亦纷纷陪同接受 '下水礼' * ** 不过刊登在各大报章的照片均显示,李克强与众官站在水里的现场,后面就是台阶,趟水指挥根本就是多此一举,作秀成份居多,难怪纽约时报驻华记者储百亮(Chris Buckley)在其推特(twitter)社交网站帖文问:'后面明明有台阶,为何站在水里?' ")
Note: "Chris Buckley 储百亮" has an English-only Twitter account (but no Chinese-language account):
(a) July 6 on the same photo as the one in 法广: "Why stand in the water when there are steps just behind you?"
(b) Later also on July 6 with another photo that appears to show prime minister Li in front of two steps of a stair (from another angle of the same locale perhaps): "He sure does like standing in water."
(4) 小山, 潘基文呼吁北京开放公民社会 王毅站立一旁没有反应. July 7, 2016
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B ... 9%E5%8F%8D%E5%BA%94
("联合国秘书长潘基文继续在中国访问。* * * 潘基文星期四 [July 7] 与中国外长王毅会见后举行联合记者招待会 * * * 潘基文会上呼吁中国当局宽容公民社会。潘基文说,中国正在继续改革之际,他鼓励中国领导人为中国公民社会积极发展留有必须的空间。潘基文谈到公民社会时,提及环境保护着和人权捍卫者。潘基文还谈及中国人权状况。中国外长王毅站立在潘基文旁边,没有对潘基文谈及中国人权做出反应") |