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发表于 7-12-2016 11:24:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
甄树基, 招供不上央视找南早赵威承认错信了李和平. 法广, July 12, 2016
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B ... E%E5%92%8C%E5%B9%B3
("大陆嫌犯公开 '招供' 又有新桥段,这次中央电视、凤凰卫视和星岛日报统统靠边站,让较有公信力以及更具国际性的南华早报接棒。南早12日报导,赵威7月10日在电话中向该报表示,大陆微博上流传有关她对过去所为感到后悔的声明,确实是出自她的手笔。 但报导同时又引述赵威的丈夫说,他怀疑妻子是被逼发表这些声明的")

, which is based on

Young Chinese Legal Activist 'Regrets' Civil Rights Activism; Husband disputes statements posted on his wife's microblog accounts. South China Morning Post, July 11, 2016.
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/p ... egrets-civil-rights

five consecutive paragraphs:

"Speaking to the South China Morning Post on the phone on Sunday, Zhao said she wrote the statements on her accounts.

" 'I have come to realise that I have taken the wrong path. I repent for what I did. I’m now a brand new person,” she said.

"She said she wanted to speak to the media because she 'realised she had made mistakes' and she 'truly wanted to repent.'

"She said she was back at her home in Henan province and was staying with her parents.

"The Post could not verify Zhao's location or whether she was under surveillance during the interview. Zhao declined requests for a face-to-face interview.

Note: The Nanzao -- the Chinese counterpart of SCMP -- does not publish this story in Chinese.

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